[b] Abram - The House - Jess [/b] Abram had just finished re-assembling his rifle when Jess came up to him. He gave the bolt a hard slide, sending a loud crack into the air, and letting it slide back with an equally loud snap. He looked up as she spoke and gave nods at necessary intervals. "Mhm..." He muttered from time to time. The older man gave the girl a slight smile. "Lemme tell you a little something; don't be sorry for lyin' to me. It was a good ruse to protect yourself. I did, however, see through your little veneer. You got nothing to worry about." He lay the rifle against the coffee table and folded his hands into a steaple. "I'll be honest with you; I know a little more of this type of situation than you might'a thought." He clicked his tongue. "See- uh.. I'm 43 years old and my daughter would've been 21 a few weeks ago, but unfortunately she didn't make it through to be with me now. Her name was Tamara, and see, she had a man who started out as this boy that I didn't care for one bit... but she held on to like bush seed on cotton clothes." He chuckled softly. "When I wasn't deployed or at the base, I came home and played daddy bear, I started treating like a little girl even though she was about your age. However, overtime, she grew that defiant spirit and began to prove to me that she was a grown woman just to say "Screw you, I did it!" See, she gained my respect as time moved on and thats what you've got to do with Floyd." He nodded lightly. "My friend once told me; you can put a rock in a stream but the water still flows. You and Floyd may have bumps, but in the end you'll be fine..." [b]Sylar - New Orleans - Reggie [/b] "We've not got much firepower, so all we can give you is rifle fire and distractions. We were on our monthly hunting trip and didn't exactly prepare for a firefight." Meghan took her rifle back, and shouldered it as Sylar spoke into the radio. Meghan also took the radio, despite Sylars objections. She spoke into it with no lack of confidence; she'd been in tough situations before. "Hiya, Reggie, how ya doin? Okay could you find a street sign and tell me what street you're at? If you can get to our roof or too a building close by, we can make a distraction. Just an idea, but if we can get the vantage point, we can take these jerks down in one fell swoop."