The current tallies for applications (for those wondering, after the "too many/not enough turians" discrepancy) are: Male: 9, Female: 4 Infiltrator: 2, Soldier: 4 (counting Vandy's soldier/sniper class here, not under Infiltrator), Adept: 2, Vanguard: 3, Engineer: 2 Batarian: 1, Human: 3, Quarian: 1, Drell: 3, Krogan: 1, Asari: 1, Turian: 3. I'm either making a Quarian female scientist (so probably Engineer) or a Volus male very-non-combat-oriented character. Likely the former, 'cause although the second would be rather interesting and hopefully fairly original, there may be some practical aspects of playing a volus that makes life difficult for myself and others.