Jack was in the back whilst drake was setting up. He had been for the last hour,mostly napping however he had woken up and was just adding the finishing touches to his hair in the mirror. He had got it just right and turned to look at the slim italian suit that was hung up in front of him. A black pinstripe beauty that he had bought as a present to himself it had almost bankrupted him but it was all worth it. Despite not suiting the feel of the band exactly he was the suave gentleman and the ladies loved it. A quick spin and another look i the mirror passed before he took the suit of the hanger and begun to dress himself. As he pushed the last button into place he took another look in the mirror and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It was exactly the look he wanted. Stepping out of the back room he stepped out and smelt the air. It was almost as if the event was building all around him and the buzz was beginning to fill his body, he walked out slowly up too Drake and tapped him on the shoulder.