Once again he clears the plate making a keen note on the left over peppers, they had been a gamble but the new knowledge of his masters dislikes was filed away as he began to clear the cutlery. Once again the boys were spared no glance and the other was given that charming smile. Once the tray was filled with the dirty dishes he returned to the kitchen and plated up the now hot starter. In the middle of the plate the goats cheese tartlet sat, no bigger than the palm of a hand and only three fingers deep. The pastry was soft and flaky and smelled of warm butter and a hint of nutmeg while the contents were a rich creamy scent with dotted herbs to take away from the dull colouration. Neatly around this he arranged slices of lightly steamed carrot and then set to making the tea. He added the honey to the milk tea and placed a small sugar dish with two spoons of sugar and a clean teaspoon inside. It ought not to need it with the honey but some people liked unbearably sweet food. With it all plated up and a fresh set of napkins and cutlery -this time the napkin folded like a flower- he made his way back to the dining room. Once more he laid the cutlery, beverage and food with ease and took the little rose napkin, with a flick of his wrist it unfurled and was laid upon Amano's lap. "The starter is served master, I hope it is to your liking. After your meal master I shall away to run your bath and ready your room for tonight if such pleases you." Humans rarely liked having dried blood, possibly not their own, on their skin and thus bathing became quite important to the human. Of course, it also fit with their cover story of him being out all night to pick him up from the ship yards. People often over complicated lies, making them too big and grandiose, too detailed and then forgetting such details and being caught out. A good lie, like this one, was simple and with details that could be fleshed out if really needed or left simple and was just as believable. "The tea is already sweetened with honey though if master desires sweeter I have prvoided sugar." Glancing to the lady of the household he smiled. "Would the lady care for a drop of tea?" After the yay or nay to the bath idea and the offer of tea. Illiendi saw himself out with another gracious half bow and back to the kitchens where the finishing touches to the meal awaited him. His first job was to open the wine though and then he left it to breathe. The meal was then put together with the meat being given a final swirl of honey, had the lady expressed interest in trying some, he would then pour a cup of tea for her and take it out to her with a small sugar bowl for if she took it sweeter. Then with a bow back to the kitchen to finish the main. The pheasant was allowed to rest on the plate as he swept in to clear the dishes and then back out again. The rest of the meal was then plated up, roast potatoes and the other veg arranged as neatly as the breast of meat itself was, the jus was created and drizzled atop in a flourish and with four clean and polished wine glasses he made his way with the wine, glasses and dinner in hand to the table where his master sat with the family he called his.