Holas everyone! ^o^ Enjoy your concert on Sunday Rex and let me know how it all goes. :) I might even be awake to chat a little after it's over and before you drive, hehe. c| Score as much free stuff as you can! And try not to cry in front of them again 8D [quote=Buns]Kathi's moving to America?! But... Canada is better isn't it? D:[/quote] Isn't everywhere better? *rimshot* [quote=Kathi]Yep, I like Vancouver lots but unfortunately my preferred college is not here OTL[/quote] You prefer colleges with lesbian femnazis? *rimshotx2* Enjoy your ball and party, Kathi! ^o^ Have a wonderful, wonderful time, and what appropriate timing too with current IC going ons. I expect accurate reflection of details within your upcoming writing >:D Good luck with work, Danni! I hope you all have an enjoyable Wednesday!! *blows kisses to all* [youtube]smWIilC2LAQ[/youtube]