The group was doing great. The skeletons risen from their rest were no problem. There were the usual problems through outnumbered battling. The path grew wider, the further down the group moved downward the cliffside. The grumbling ground increased throughout the fighting, driving Emilia into more agitation. Her blade swiped through bones, leaving nothing but split bones and skeletons falling apart. At a sudden jolt of quietness through the battle, Emilia looked around. Right behind the Firekeeper, there was Ana, swinging her powerful hammer across the fields of bones. With the Giantess, Emilia could easily mow down what was in front of them. They could keep each other's backs free and skeletons were no big trouble. But then there was the shaking ground. It had gained such magnitude, that the bones on the ground began to shiver and bounce. Just a little behind the group, the wall of the cliffside burst open. The howling screech of another undead pierced the air. Something large, though. A mass of bones clawed against the rocks, dragging forth what was the blight of rotten flesh, covered in an armor of bones. The horrid figure was similar to a bird, despite it's wings not existing, large arms prancing claws like a set of swords. Instead of simple eyes, the massive figure had a mass of skulls in it's sockets, each leaking a green liquid from the open eyes. The beak was painted in blood and dirt and it was perhaps the only part of the body that was not garnished by bones. The torso, though halfway burrowed inside the cliff, already revealed a set of ribcages that hung over the dark tinted flesh. With another air-shaking shriek, the mass began pulling itself further out of the tunnel. The view of that creature froze Emilia's blood. Her body stopped moving on the spot, allowing the approaching undead to get some hits on the Firekeeper. She felt a blade cut a line across her back, which was the wake up call for her to keep moving. The other problem that was staying was a group member, Idan, was being pushed towards the edge. Pushing an approaching skeleton towards it's comrades, Emilia screamed "Keep moving! Do not let the beast catch us here." Her feet carried her closer to the group, making a dash for Idan. She would not loose a comrade of arms so early in their journey. In the meantime, the undead creature slowly moved out of the hole, it's claws digging into the cliff. The head of the beast sized little larger than the Giantess of the group. The torso slowly grew, as the creature inhaled deeply. A set of thin crow legs crawled out of the hole and dug into the rock, while a tail slithered across the cliff, swiping stones and throwing them around. These rocks flew across the area, smashing whatever was not prepared or covered. In this case, the mass of skeletons was quickly decimated to smaller numbers. The drawback was that Emilia, who tried to get to Idan to help him and get him a steadier footing, was hit by a rock square on her armor. It knocked her off her feet, pushing air out of her lungs and flinging her on the ground.