[quote=VarionusNW] I didnt even realize deviantART had an RPing community. Go ahead and take the plot over there. [/quote] Haha, yeah. It's a small one, and they're typically organized in chat rooms. Once I get it running, I can link anyone who's interested. [quote=Noyuri] One question: You say that Shades dont organize because of their nature, and I get that. But I can hardly believe that people that reincarnate don't form bonds that span for centuries. I mean I understand that not all remember every little thing that happened to them (Ireane has whatever it is called when you dont forget anything) but still... It would seem to me that Shades have more opportunities to form groups, whereas Paladins will spent most of their time confused by what is going on (seeing as it most often is their first reincarnation) [/quote] Those are fair points, and again, the conditions of shades and paladins vary infinitely. They're human at their core, so--like normal humans--the same rules don't apply to all of them. But to explain, in my mind, shades are less likely to form groups and band together because they're far less likely need and therefore find the help. To be fully realized as a shade or paladin makes you a stronger individual. This isn't of course to say that shades can't buddy up and form some of the strongest bonds over centuries. Paladins are more likely to find each other because they tend to need the support. They have more problems mentally and emotionally since they feel guilt and conflict that most shades don't deal with. They're less likely to be fully aware of their pasts and therefore most likely to be weaker. So, not making use of the community can be hurtful to paladins. Not creating bonds can result in suicide for a paladin because he might not know what's going on in his own head. Or the influence of his past lives can become stronger and he could end up becoming a shade instead. So, while shades are less likely to form bonds, any bonds they do make--I'd agree--are far stronger. Kinda like a person who'd prefer a few super close friends than a hundred acquaintances. Paladins are more likely to make friends since they're part of a supporting community. However, those bonds can't span lifetimes since paladins are most likely working on their final one. Again, though, they're basically human. So these "rules" are only general and don't apply to everyone equally.