The word specisl caused Jessica's interest to pick up and she turned to watch him mime his "comic book shit" powers and smiled at his wording. "Interesting" she gave him another smile, he'd given her a valuable clue about the prison and was curioud about how they both believe they are special. "We are from entirely different backgrounds but both believe we are special. Either this is a shelter for mental patients or we could truly do what we believe we can do. If the latter is true I believe we could be unstoppable." She leaned her red lips softlyttowards Jerry's ear. "We should create an army from the most powerful and destroy what stops our powers. Truly we were created for more than this." She whispered into his ear so close none else could hear. Leaning back into a more casual stance she stared at her own hands and like Jerry felt she had to mime a motion to truly get her point across. "I along with what ever I held could become a living stream of smoke, no prison could contain me, no human catch me. It unlike yours is a curse" Her hands dropped to her sides and her head looked away from her companion. "I've done terrible things" "I belong here" Her mind spoke out of turn.