[quote=Cpt Toellner] On the server that me, Mike, and Rilla were on, people would spread out and make cities and bases and whatever..I would walk and walk and walk, making camps for a few days, build a tower, spend a few weeks building a wall around a NPC village. When I found water, I would get on my boat and sail for days, literally. There were times I would sit in front of my computer for 2 hours watching TV holding down the forward arrow key looking for land in the deep blue sea. People would freak out whenever they teleported to me with their coordinates showing because it would show just how far away I was from the rest of the world. I spent most of it above-ground too, so my equipment was Iron at best. Can't wait to start my shenanigans again. [/quote] Sounds like shit I used to do. Also, user is WalkerofDarkness. A shocker, I know.