Jack laughed as Drake calle him slick, the whole joking about his suit and style was an ongoing joke that he had no problems about. Noticing the comment about the suit he gave a little spin and winked. "What can i say, I am a man of fine tastes and the suit is just one of the fine things I own. Besides it makes you seem so much less important stood next to this." When Drake mentioned the booth Jack gave a genuine smile, despite his smooth and cheeky personality he actually valued Drake's friendship highly and was always happy to help the guy. He had a good heart and that was something you found less and less these days. Grabbing a box he lifted open the lid and pulled out the dark grey Tee with 'Out of Thin Air' and checked it out. He would of course never wear one of these cheaply made things himself however Drake had killed himself to get al of the merchandise out and Jack was grateful. "'Of course boss, I'll grab a couple more fo these and you show me where."