Shepard was glad that Zeto accepted her offer to eat together. She was at half of her dish already, but she still had a lot of work before finishing it. When Zeto came, she greet her with a nod. Shepard couldn´t help herself not to be curious about the way Quarians eat. She was always interested in alien cultures and Qurians were always a huge unknown in her books. She also hoped that she might see at least a little bit of what was hidden under Zeto´s mask, but she doubted it. With their stunted, shaky immune system, such an exposure could be almost life threatening. Knowing this, Shepard tried to hold herself, but her eyes were still squinting a little in direction of Quarian. She wasn´t dissapointed in the end. Before Zeto could put her "straw" in, Shepard could see a bit of her pale lips. It wasn´t that much, but considering how much protective Quarians were, Jane probably saw more than most ever did. She could only imagine how hard it could be, to live in those exo-suits. Yes, she spent a lot of her time locked in armour with heavy helmet covering her head, but she could still put it off whenever she pleased. She could feel the air caressing her face and ruffle her hair without fear of anything more than petty allergies. If Zeto did the same thing, it could kill her. She just sat there locked in her thoughts, before she realized how awkward it had to look to anyone watching them. Quarian was evidently too shy, tired or shaken to speak up first and Shepard wasn´t too good at breaking the ice. It wasn´t because of shyness or anything like that, it was more like she just didn´t know how to start. "Quarians... live on their space ships, is that right? I was always curious about it. I can´t imagine what life without solid ground under feet and sky above head must look like..." she was really bad at it.