[center][img=http://imageshack.com/a/img841/2608/wrqq.png][/center] [hider=Jackie]Cookies [b]Name/Nickname:[/b] Jaclyn Kent, "Jack", "Jackie" [b]Race: [/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Weapons/Equipment/Armor:[/b] [i]~Thunderdell~[/i] [img=http://imageshack.com/a/img35/9228/ns4i.png] Thunderdell is a battle axe, and Jackie's primary weapon. A cannon barrel runs down the length of the axes handle, which can be fired either in axe mode or after reconfiguring Thunderdell into a rifle for easier aiming. The Thunderdell's axe blade also functions as its magazine, storing the ammunition used by its cannon; when in rifle mode the bladed magazine can be used like a bayonette. Jackie carries several spare magazine-blades on her belt. [i]~Blunderbore~[/i] [img=http://imageshack.com/a/img200/4371/q7xl.png] Blunderbore is Jackie's sidearm, a cross between a hand axe and a large bore revolver. It doesn't reconfigure, the angled grip allows it to be used effectively as both an axe and a pistol without needing to shift the parts around. [b]Semblance:[/b] [i]~Snickersnack~[/i] Jack's semblance allows her to convert part of her aura into vibrational energy, and then channel and control that energy through things she touches. She usually uses this to increase the cutting power of her two axes. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Rock Climbing, Gymnastics, and Hiking. [b]Bio:[/b] Different things drive different people; for Huntsmen and Huntswomen sometimes its a desire to protect those dear to you, or a sort of personal stand or revenge against the Grimm, or even just admiration of the heroes that came before you. All of those would be perfectly acceptable reasons to take up such an arduous career. Jack doesn't have such an admirable reason; no touching anecdote or terrible tragedy that placed her on the path to Beacon. No, Jack's path in life has been decided with bets and dares. She made her axes on a bet, she stole a Nevermore egg on a dare, and she wound up at Beacon because she lost a gamble. Life's weird sometimes. Jack was born and raised in Vale, in the less-than-ideal neighborhoods. Crime didn't exactly overflow into the streets, but there was no denying that it was out there. With the Grimm and terrorist organizations like the White Fang, the police get stretched thin more often than not. There are bigger things to worry about than petty crime. Throughout her childhood Jack was well aware of the criminal elements that did their work near her home. Most of them weren't even that bad as long as you were polite. A big guy named Hugo even used to give the littler kids caramel cubes when they came by. That sort of environment helps you grow up tough, quick, and careful. Anyways, Jack was long-time bad friends with a guy name Stan Fulcier; a clever little idiot who was fun to hang around. If you had to pin down the 'turning point' in Jack's life, it would probably be when she went Ursa hunting with Stan for a get-rich-quick scheme of his. Apparently there was a gangster who wanted to get his wife a fur coat, willing to pay top dollar for intact pelts. The plan didn't go great, no surprise. They ran into a giant of an Ursa, Stan got thumped pretty bad, lost most of his aura, and wound up hiding behind Jack. After a fast, harrowing fight, Jack landed a killing blow that cleaved the Ursa's head from its shoulders. She found out later that a Huntsman had been watching the whole scene, leaving her to fend for herself. He was apparently impressed, impressed enough to push her towards Signal. At first she turned him down, but he was very persistent. Every few days he'd check back with her to see if she'd changed her mind. Eventually she it became annoying enough that she told him not to come back, but by then the Hunter had a fair grasp for her personality and her sensibilities. He made the issue into a game, wagering her future on the outcome; he even made several stipulations to stack the game in Jack's favor. She couldn't resist taking him up on the offer, figuring it'd be an easy out from the Hunter discussion. She lost, badly, and soon found herself attending Signal. [b]Personality:[/b] Jackie is an odd combination of extreme selfconfidence and constant pessimism. If she were to explain her outlook in her own words, she'd rather be pleasantly surprised than disappointed when her views are proven wrong. Something like preparing for the worst and giving it her best, while she's sure that her best will be good enough to handle the worst. This attitude often leaves others feeling that she's either arrogant, sardonic, or both. She has a dry, often dark sense of humor. Even with her preferences, a well timed crude joke can sometimes eke a snicker out of her, though whether its at the joke or the joker is rarely obvious. She likes to play the odds when she feels she can get the upper hand (i.e. almost always), and can become competative very easily. [b]Appearance:[/b] Jackie is fairly tall for her age, standing five feet and ten inches. She has an athletic build, and though her muscles are well toned she hasn't lost her curves. Jackie wears a mini jacket with a raised collar, a tube top, shorts, leggings, and thigh guards. Her belt holds Blunderbore's holster, her spare magazine-blades, as well as pockets and loops for other tools. She wears her aubern hair in a short, high ponytail, and her bangs hang just long enough to dip over her vivid green eyes. She has strong cheekbones, an aquiline nose, and slightly thin lips. [b]Post Sample:[/b] Hanging by her chalky fingertips, Jack dangled underneath an outcropping of rock that angled away from the cliff face sharply. The ascent had been silent except for the soft wind and the crinkle of her gloves and shoes finding purchase where they could. She'd started in the early afternoon, but by now it should almost be time. She'd promised herself not to look over her shoulder yet, not until she reached the top. Pulling hard with her arms and lifting herself up and over the jutting stone, she crested the climb's last real obstacle. The last few meters to the peak was full of sturdy holds. Only when she had nowhere left to go was she satisfied, finally turning and taking a seat that faced away from the cliff. A seat that faced West, towards Signal and the sun as it just began to set. When it was set in such a scene, she had to admit that Signal wasn't so bad. She didn't really have anything against it, in fact, it was just how she'd wound up there that made it a bit of a sore spot. Repeating the climb in reverse, she descended back to sea level and made her way towards the dorms, taking a tongue lashing from the dorm mother on the way for being out too late. That was something she'd gotten used to quickly.[/hider]