[b]Name:[/b] Tyler [b]Nickname:[/b] N/A [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=image] [img=http://www.melissablissphotography.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/norfolk-senior-photographer-1.jpg] [/hider] Tyler’s around 5’11 maybe 6’, now. It’s been a while since he’s measured himself. He would say he’s roughly between 135-150lbs – not very muscled, nor large, but not underweight. His hair is dark brown, almost black, and it’s usually cut in the standard “male cut” whatever that means to each barber he goes to. His eyes are blue, unlike his mother who has green eyes, so he must get it from his dad but who knows for sure? [b]Supernatural:[/b] To be discovered. [b]Abilities:[/b] To be discovered. [b]Secret:[/b] To be discovered. [b]Sexuality:[/b] heterosexual [b]Personality:[/b] Tyler is determined to a fault. When he wants something to happen or wants to do something, he easily becomes obsessive and won’t stop until he finds what he’s looking for or it is painfully obvious he cannot continue. When he gets into “that mood”, he can be very selfish– nothing matters other than his goal, not you, not them, not him, not anything. Outside of that, though, Tyler isn’t really that bad of a guy. He can be a friend, give advice, and generally gets along with almost anyone. He has his sensitive subjects – like anyone else – but he’s not without empathy or emotions. He just loses track of things, sometimes. And he is definitely not without passion. On the healthier side of things, Tyler can put 110% of himself into almost anything he’s supposed to do. He loves reading and, though he won’t easily admit to it, writing and drawing. He’s not that big on sports, but he’s down for just about anything with friends. He loves the daytime just as much as he loves the night, and sun as much as snow. It’s difficult, outside of sensitive topics, to get him angry or upset. Thing is, though, when he does get upset, it’s not pretty. Some can go as far as to say he has anger issues, but again, it depends on who he talks to and what they talk about. [b]History:[/b] Tyler’s story is fairly average – the first seven years of his life in a single-parent household; he and his mom against the world. Things weren’t perfect – she had to work two jobs and sometimes Tyler was home alone for most of his weekends, but the two had this sort of companionship that you could only get in hard times. He was who she talked to about work and she was his caretaker, and that was all they ever needed. Up until Stephen entered the picture, the young Tyler just assumed it would always be just him and his mom. At least, he kind of hoped it would be. But then Stephen [i]did[/i] enter the picture, and things were a little weird for the first few years. Apparently he and Tyler’s mom met at the grocery store – a cliché start, I know – but they seemed to click. He asked her on a date, and then she asked him on a second, and they’ve been together ever since. Stephen officially moved in when Tyler was eight, and a few months before his tenth birthday, his mom and Stephen got married. Things sort of went back to normal after all of that, though Tyler and his mom weren’t as close as before. When the twins were born, thirteen year old Tyler finally gave up his childhood dream of just “him and mom”. Still, it wasn’t like Tyler to let that get to him. He loved his new brother and sister, and Stephen was nice enough. Things were just about perfect. But not quite. Upon turning sixteen, for reasons known only to him, Tyler packed his book bag and left. He didn’t say goodbye to his mom or Stephen or even his little siblings; they wouldn’t understand anyway. There was something he had to do, and he had to do it by himself. It was clear that, at the age of sixteen when he ran away and became undeniably homeless, Tyler never had any intention of going back to school. But somehow, whoever had sent the acceptance letter knew exactly where he was and presented a rather curious invitation. At first, he was quick to decline, but when it became obvious that he needed to regroup and figure a few things out before continuing, he decided to go. [b]Pros & Cons:[/b] To be discovered. [b]Is your character open for romance?[/b] Sure, why not? [b]Would you like a Private Dorm Room?[/b] No, he’s fine without it.