Torie was ecstatic, to say the least, and as Blaze left, he bolted off towards home, he couldn't forget about his sister's dinner...that'd be worse than taking on the Dark Guild! Dashing through the grocer's market, Torie purchased various vegetables, a few cuts of meat, a bit of milk, the general works. As much as his wallet lost, he couldn't help but be excited after hearing the reward. [b]"Two million...five hundred thousand a piece..."[/b] he muttered as he gathered his things and began tracing the vague shape of a box in a magic glyph. Soon, a box formed, with two rectangular shapes that vaguely resembled straps on the sides. Taking it upon his back, he piled the groceries in and sprinted once more, to house and home. As he came upon the door, the head of the youngest sister poked out of the doorway, a smile on her face. [b]"Sis, sis, Torie's home~!"[/b] She sung as she sipped inside. [b]"Hey didn't get [i]fired[/i] already, did you?"[/b] the older one asked, a hint of venom in her voice...almost like she expected just that. Shaking his head, Torie held a hand up. [b]"No, no, it's nothing like that at all! Listen, I'm going to be gone for a little while...maybe even a few days, so I'm going to need you two to take care of yourselves. Here...bought all of this, if you need more, you both know where the safe is. If this works out...we might not have to worry about stuff like this anymore. Just leave it to me, alright?"[/b] he asked, though he set the groceries down at a lightning pace before running into their shared room to grab a satchel. He needed to bring something to carry supplies in, after all. [b]"Hey, what do you think he means we won't have to worry about stuff like this anymore Addie?"[/b] the younger one asked, to which she earned the reply of: [b]"Dunno, but I think Torie might be robbing a bank."[/b]