His mother continues telling the boys about her day, sparing Illiendi a smile as he passes, but otherwise shows no sign of stopping any time soon. The youngest son only half listens, his mind drifting elsewhere as he waits for the demon to return. [i]'I am sure there are many more things that need to get done before we go. Perhaps I will have him give me a list or something that I can refer to. I know it sounds childish, but checklists have always been useful for me. I am a bit of a scatterbrain at times'[/i] He watches Illiendi sweep back into the room, smiling at the smell coming from his next dish. Behind him a few other servants come out with the next course for the family, their entree, and Amano has to fight to not grin at his brothers, gloating about his divine meal. He doesn't have to fight too hard, really wanting to keep his shins intact, and as he watches as once more Illiendi sets down his food and unfurls his napkin, the youngest son keeps his smile in check. [i]'Those designs he has been bringing them out in, I must ask him about that. I did not know one could fold a napkin like that. . .'[/i] When Illiendi offer to run him his bath Amano smiles warmly. “A bath sounds very nice Illiendi, thank you.” He looks to the sugar beside his tea and smiles. “The honey is enough, thank you for the thought anyways though.” He watches carefully as Illiendi offers to bring his mother some tea, his eyes narrowing a bit as one of the servers seemed to take offense to the offer as the laid his mother's wine glass on the table next to her meal. His mother however ignores the servant in favor of nodding her head gently towards the demon's offer. “That would be divine, thank you.” Her voice is so sweet that Amano almost doesn't recognize it, and he sets into his meal, attempting once more it ignore what's going on between his mother and his manservant. With little success. [i]'He must be doing it for a reason, but what said reason is is beyond me. Then again, despite being born into it, I have little understanding of the politics of high society. He could be working one of those angles father is always talking about. I guess I can ask him about it later'[/i] Amano eats his meal with relish, while keeping himself from moaning at the delectable flavors now dancing across his taste buds. He spares Illiendi a glance as he pops back in to drop off his mother's tea, but turns back to his half finished meal with a delighted smile. [i]'He really know how to cook. . .'[/i] He hums softly, downing the meal quicker than the others before sipping at his tea slowly. The warm sweetness with the bitter undertone feels good on his tongue as he washes down the tartlet. He sits back happily as once more the dishes are cleared and the conversation once more turns to Amano himself. “So, dear, how are your lessons going? I have heard good things from your fencing instructor.” He smiles, turning to look at his mother and away from his bothers' rolling eyes. “Yes, the instructor has told me that I have advanced far quicker than he would have expected, however it seems that I have a knack for the blade.” “Yeah, right. He's just feeding your ego bro. I bet you couldn't defend yourself from a four year old with a wooden sword.” Burtis chuckles loudly, however his mother ignores the comment, instead smiling wider at her little boy. She has always taken for granted that older brothers will always tease the younger so such comments seem to never really have an affect on her. Amano too ignores the foolish comment, knowing that none of his brothers have any idea just how skilled he's become, having never bothered to even watch a single practice. The eldest brother has some skill with the blade, however the younger two have always seen it as a waste of time, much preferring using their fists to do combat. Illiendi comes back in once more with the main course this time and he turns his attention on to that. The smell of the meat is tantalizing, however he can not help but spare a glance at the many wine glasses present. [i]'Is he serving it to everyone? I suppose, there are four glasses. . .'[/i] His sits up properly, and waits to see what happens.