[center][img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/Girls/Illiana_zpsc576b9d1.jpg[/img] ILLIANA VALORRIS DE MONTESQUIEU 50 years old 08/04/1095 Illiana is an assassin for the King. She grew up in the poorest part of Wiz, a rundown city that has been sectioned off because of it's pollution and delinquent citizens. From a young age, she learned how to defend herself from predators and knows her way around a sharp weapons, specializing in throwing knives.When she was young, an underground gang in her city recruited her and used her young appearance as a ploy against their enemies. She didn't enjoy killing others, but it got her off the streets and put food on her table, so she had no other choice. When Belzeneff visited her city, by some random chance, the gang ordered her to assassinate him. But the King's adviser had heard of the young killer beforehand and confronted her personally before Belzeneff's arrival. Demetrios drugged her food and drinks with the devotion potion that the Queen cooked up and sure enough, Illiana developed loyalty to the King. He then turned the tables on the gang and had Belzeneff's Protectors kill them all and placed his own men in the city where they now rule. They took Illiana back to the Main City where she is employed as a Council member, though that is only on paper. She is an assassin and kills whoever Demetrios tells her to. He still drugs her food on a monthly basis so that her loyalty to the King will never wear off. She now lives with her husband in a house given to her by Belzeneff, but her husband doesn't know what her true occupation is. [hider=Family & Friends] [b]Husband:[/b] Illias Valserys de Montesquieu (Mancini) [b]In-Laws:[/b] Via Illias - Valiant Dionte Mancini {father-in-law} Via Illias - Valyn Dionysus Mancini {mother-in-law} Via Illias - Valentine Mancini, Valtreks Mancini, Valroya Mancini, Valor Mancini, Valdeimos Mancini, Valencino Morgen Mancini, Valhallen Mancini, Vallix Mancini, Valerik Mancini, Valente Mancini, Valis Mancini, Valereon Mancini, Valerio Mancini, Valcyon Mancini {brothers-in-law} Via Illias - Valora Kristabelle Mancini {sister-in-law} Via Valora - Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini (Glenadade) {brother-in-law} Via Valencino - Valancy Morgana Mancini (Day) {sister-in-law} [b]Nephew & Nieces[/b] : Via Valora Kristabelle & Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini - Valhero Mancini, Valexander Mancini, Valalee Mancini Via Valtreks Mancini & Sofia Amara - Valenna Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Edel Gwerthwen - Valiance Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Symphaerie Zylan - Valaiah Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Ambrosiya Sanna - Valerius Mancini Via Valdeimos Mancini & Raava Rixore - Valrose Mancini Via Valencino Morgen & Valancy Morgana Mancini - Valstell Mancini [/hider][/center]