South East - James Wolff (I'm assuming that we're on the first floor?) The situation had started to go down the shitter. It seemed as if everything was going smoothly for a bit, but then again fate seemed to have other ideas. The Sergeant got caught off guard after going off by himself. James could help but think "Hypocrite. You told me that no one should go alone." Still, there was the matter of the Goleyeith's transformation into smaller ghouls of some sort. It seemed that the mutants were able to speak, or at the very least mimic. James was hoping that it was the latter since the prior would imply that absorbing people enabled the mutants to retain the knowledge of their prey, which was very bad news. The group had to go back upstairs and regroup with the others, but the most disturbing part was that something had managed to climb to the third floor... without them seeing it. The thing with the chainsaw had somehow gotten up there without any stairs. That was a very large concern as well. Hopefully, Morai was still alive, but the chances seemed stacked. James whispered to the group. "We need to move, and rejoin the others. Stack up on me. I'll take point. Move quickly and quietly, and be sure to check your sectors. Don't leave any corner unchecked or else we're screwed. Plan is to get to the third floor, help Morai if we can, set up a firing position at the base of the stairs so that we have visual down the hall, and I'll try to see if I can rig one of my rockets to set up a delayed explosion to collapse the stairs... with us ideally on the forth floor on the others before it blows up and preventing those things from climbing the stairs. If you need to shoot, then aim for the legs if center mass doesn't kill them. We need to buy time. Now, if you don't have anything to say Captain, then I say we move." James then began to move silently, but with haste with his gun ready and his eye down the thermal sight, ready to pop anything that didn't seem human.