[center][b]Demelza[/b][/center] Demelza looked over at the cry of [b]"Rachael"[/b], looking over to where the red-headed oracle was. Demelza had never seen her make a prophecy, let alone even appear anything but normal, now though, it was clear she was quite powerful, especially with her prophecy abilities. Demelza shuddered slightly as the prophecy was receited, looking to her younger siblings. They wouldn't be apart of this, would they? it sounded dangerous, and she didn't want them risking their lives. For one, her mother would probably kill her if she let anything happen to them, and for another, none of them were ready for such a thing. If it had to be anyone of Athena's children, then it should be her. She was the eldest after all. And it could be a chance to prove herself. So she was in two minds. On one side, she didn't want to be apart of it, but on the other it might be a good opportunity for her. She gave a soft sigh, watching as another camper was virtually thrown across the camp, and into the camp fire. By then it was clear to Demelza that the guy was apart of the quest. She looked about, uneasy. Three more for the prophecy then, if one was already chosen. She looked to her siblings once more, swallowing, looking down to the ground. That was probably a mistake on her part. Three letters suddenly appeared on the ground. [i]You[/i]. She shuddered, staring at them, before standing up, shaking. She wasn't brave enough to look up, and she said softly,[b]"The ground is saying You to me"[/b] She realised how stupid that probably sounded, and she blushed. [center][b]Cameron[/b][/center] Cameron listened with uneasy to the prophecy, not looking up as the Oracle receited it, listening as some fool volunteered. You didn't volunteer for prophecies, you were simply chosen in one form or another. He looked up, just in time to catch the boy that flew into his lap. They guy said sorry, but as soon as he was up again, he was pushed towards the flames, and Cameron went to stop him falling in them, but then fell in, and in moments he fell out again, unhurt, and stumbled to the log by the oracle. Cameron frowned, either he was extremely clumsy and was flame retarded or he was being chosen for the prophecy. Cameron let out a sigh, looking about to see who else might respond to this, or be shoved into it. Then a girl stood up, and said the ground was saying you to her. He looked over to the ground, frowning. He shook his head, dismissing her as slightly crazy. That is, right up until there was a hell hound howl, and he cursed, as Lucy let out a soft grown. They both knew what that meant. A message from their father, and he let out a loud annoyed sigh, but otherwise didn't respond, looking towards Lucy with slight uneasy and fear.