Captain Pars was tough, and he held his own for as humanly possible. At one point, the lieutenants managed to subdue the pirates, pinning them and dragging them to lock them with the others. But everything wasn't in their favor and they ended up losing their battles. Parts would not be happy about that. . . Pars noticed the slave running up to him with the weapon. 'Stand down filth, I have other matters to take care of!" He growled out and then had to deflect both the males trying to attack him. ~ ~ ~ ~ Runali smiled and saluted her carpenter. [Quote=Luro] "Normally I avoid any lasses with children but I'll make an exception for you captain since you just helped me out." [/quote] "Tch, I'd expect no less from the gentleman pirate right?" She smiled and then started to lead them forward, only to be stopped and silenced. The toddler on her back whispered, looking skeptical. "Is the big person going to help us?" Runali waited for the coast to be clear before she smiled gently and nodded. "This big person is going to help you his to your mommies and daddies to.... Thank goodness." She mumbled the last part and sighed and hurried forward. [Quote=Luro] "I mean your stern is safe with me. Your behind, general back area...hmm...the area that is not in front of you. There we go I knew I'd find the right one, Let's hurry I gotta investigate some rooms on the ship later...once we take care of everything and eviscera....slaugt-subdue the captain and throw his he- hat overboard."[/quote] "I question your sanity Luro. But I accept it as it is...And thanks. I think." Only Luro could make her either extremely confused, or make her laugh a lot more than she normally did. She enjoyed it, just as she enjoyed the company of the rest of her crew. And to think, it was probably just a little over three weeks that they knew each other. Almost a month even. The children laughed at his rather odd behavior, and found themselves having to move a little faster. Now that she had back up, she could move through the ship with much more ease. "Keep up! Your parents are up ahead!" She ushered them up stairs and pointed to the side of the ship where their parents were waving. "Luro, you've got company!" She called out as a few slavers ran up to attack him. Their sneak attack was ruined so they just started to strike. "Where do you think you're going?" One slaver yanked the kid off her back and held him by his foot. He squirmed and cried for help. He pointed his gun at Runa, but she stood there, listening as the kids ran past. When she was sure they were out of harm's way, she ducked under the weapon and pressed into the pressure points in his arm to make it go limp. The slaver needed his other arm to fight, so he ended it up tossing the kid to the side. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." She ran and caught him, narrowly missing a bullet to her leg. "Here. Take your kid. We've got business to handle here." "Thank you! Thank you! I will never be able to repay you. . . Who are you guys??" "Don't worry about it. We're the StarDusk pirates. And I'm Runali. Captain of the ship." Before anymore greetings could be exchanged, she saluted them off and hurried back into battle. The kids screamed out their farewells and Runali made her way to where the fighting was going on. - - - - All four lieutenants were defeated and Captain Pars was in a mess of debris from the damaged ship. There was a loose rope so the captain used that to swing down in between her crew and their enemy. "Let's see... Kai, Ray, Nolan, Luro is behind me... Danny you stayed? And...we have an extra body?" She pointed to Marcos, but then turned her attention to their enemy. "I see you've got everything under control here. Hmph, looks like we missed the fight. Alright you guys let's wrap it up here. I think we've done enough. Before we go though, we need our reward! Raid the ship and we'll be setting sail again." "Who... are you?" Runali tipped her hat to the captain. "Captain of the StarDusk pirates. Runali here. Sorry I couldn't be here formally, I had other...tasks to accomplish." She looked over at Kai and shook her head. "Leave him. Let the captain go down with his ship- after we get treasure of course." She gave her orders and then walked over to the makeshift bridge connecting the two ships. She looked at Danny and then at Marcos and then pointed for them to meet her as she easily walked her way to the Coral Pearl. When they were near her she pointed at Danny. "You stayed?" Obviously, she was waiting for an explanation as of why. When she got it, before she remarked she pointed to Marcos. "Explain yourself." There wasn't much that needed to be said for her to clarify. When the crew returned to the Coral Pearl, she ordered Ray to sink the ship. "We're setting sail!" She turned the ship back on course to the next island. Depending on what the two stowaways said, Runali would see if she'd drop them off there and leave them. The newly freed ones were going the opposite direction, to a small port town. Maybe to find contact with their loved ones, maybe to start small before going to the larger towns- Runali didn't know, and it really wasn't her business what they did. They had their treasure and they did what they had to do. Their next stop, a port city called Waterdeep- so Runali's map said.