[b]Shinobu Resan[/b] --- And off she was, the self-proclaimed leader didn't even think twice about rushing out, the alienzombiehobochild following closely. And if that wasn't enough, those damn voices kept increasing in volume. Zero chance for survival? Well, in Shinobu's book that does not equal impossible! Having accepted the current circumstances and not allowing herself to go all emo again the green-hair opened her mouth, but as no one reacted she concluded those goddamn voices were [i]in the way.[/i] This time, Shiori spoke up, suggesting something crazy as 'going alone'! Yeah, splitting up in those horror games she played always ended up the same way. [b]"Tsubasa-kun is right! Splitting and ending up alone sets you right to the bad end route! Someone who is not Akane-chan and Tsubasa-kun should go with you! Also when meet up again we should agree on some sort of code to prove it is really us! Since time is ticking, let's just go with [i]'Meow Meow Nya'[/i]!"[/b] All the yelling was really annoying and Shino needed a moment of pause before continuing, alas, Reiko took the initiative, calling the "muffler-girl" out. Since Reiko was a person Shino looked up to, the thought of suggesting to follow Shiori never left her mind and instead she saluted. [b]"Aye!"[/b] Still full of positivity, those voices would need to turn up their volume even more if they wanted to subdue Shinobu Resan!