We'll get started soon! Here is my CS and Sicarius will post his/hers soon. Name: Her Majesty the Queen Mother Elya Emerast Age: 19 Appearance: Elya is a slender woman, about 1,65 m tall with pleasant curves. She possesses a classical beauty; large, deep green eyes, a straight nose and full, pink lips. Her hair is dark red and falls down to the small of her back in smooth curls, though she normally wears it done up. She wears fine clothes in muted colors and rarely any jewelry other than her wedding ring and a black gemstone set in gold as a necklace. Background/history: Elya is the first born daughter of Magnus Stormholme, one of the most powerful lords of Alcea. She was promised to king Barynd even before she was born and grew up knowing she was to be queen, and was raised accordingly, together with her two younger brothers. She met her future husband a handful of times throughout her childhood, finding him a pleasant man and looking forward to their wedding with childish enthusiasm at first and then with more mature eagerness once she understood the politics better. And it didn’t hurt that the king was a handsome man. In the spring after the year she turned fourteen, Elya and her family traveled to the capital for the wedding. It was a grand ceremony and was followed by a feast that lasted for seven days. Once it was over, Elya’s family returned home, but leaving her youngest brother there to train as a page. Elya quickly found herself at home in the royal castle, making friends with her ladies in waiting and also growing close to the man the king had assigned as her personal guard, Sir Stefan. A bit over a year after the wedding, Elya fell pregnant, to the joy of both her and her husband. When Janolf suddenly seized power and killed the king, it came as a surprise to everyone. There had been whispers about Janolf consorting with dark powers and it was known that he was hungry for power, but no-one had thought him bold enough to overthrow the crown. Since her escape from Janolf, Elya has lived in the Ilvancean emperor’s palace in comfort, waiting for an opportunity to take back the throne for her son. Skills: As a noblewoman raised from birth to be queen of Alcea, Elya is well versed in not only etiquette but also in politics and she uses the knowledge to her advantage. She is very aware of her beauty and how to use it. Something else?: Elya’s son Darlond, who is the legitimate king of Alcea, is about two and a half years old and is generally a happy child. He has his mother’s fair skin, but it’s tanned from spending time playing outside. He has blond hair, curling down long enough to cover his ears and he has the blue eyes of his late father. If your character is from another culture/country, some notes on that: Well, Elya is from Alcea but I figured I’d say something about that. It’s a temperate climate, with hot summers and cold winters. The royal family has ruled for close to four centuries and the overthrow of them has had consequences for the magical stability of the land. It’s a feudal society with powerful, fairly independent lords who rule their lands pretty much as they please as long as they pay their taxes and supply the king with knights.