Here's a CS skeleton for you lovelies if you want to go ahead and begin fleshing out your characters while I put together the OOC. Oh, and you're all perf and should already know this but - when I say paragraph I mean paragraph, 5-7 sentences. [hider=CS Skeleton]Name: Here's a fancy schmancy name generator if you're feeling lazy. -> [url=]Name Generator[/url] Gender: Age: Race: Height: Here's a list of the base heights for all races (estimated). Altmer (both genders) - 6'8" Argonian Male - 5'10" Argonian Female- 5'9" Bosmer Male - 5'7'' Bosmer Female - 5'8" Breton Male - 5'9" Breton Female - 5'4'' Dunmer (both genders) - 5'9" Imperial (both genders)- 5'10" Khajiit Male - 5'9" Khajiit Female - 5'4'' Nord (both genders)- 6'0'' Orc (both genders) - 6'1"1/2 Redguard Male - 5'9"1/2 Redguard Female - 5'9" As long as you're not claiming to be a 6'5" female Breton, I think we'll be fine. Appearance: Alliance: Regarding the Civil War. Stormcloak? Legion? Thalmor? Or do you just not care as long as it doesn't interfere with you? Main Skills (6): We're going to be using Skyrim's skill chart here. Age and race will have a big part in determining just how skilled your character is. I would like to allow three expert level skills, two adept and one apprentice. A character with a master level skill will require my approval. I mean, why start out at the top? You don't have anywhere to go but down. It's worth noting that your character does not have to have this exact level of skills - I only use this as an example of the highest I'm willing to allow you to start out with. So your character could just as well be absolutely, comedically terrible at everything. Armour/Accessories: Please don't go crazy. Daedric armour looks cool and all, but it isn't very fun to roleplay with invincible comrades. Weapons: Personality: Minimum of one paragraph. I say this because I honestly prefer to show my character's personality through the roleplay, not an explanation and I know many are the same way. Biography: Minimum of two paragraphs. Moral Weakness/Character Flaw(s): Hey, everyone has at least one. Skooma addict? Big spender? Bit of a drunkard? Can't wake up before noon? Spit it out. Other: Anything I didn't cover you want to add! Is your character totally into worshipping Namira? Have a war dog you'd protect with your life? Etc. [/hider] I'm having a brain fart morning so if I've missed something obvious that just really frickin' needs to be in the CS, tell me.