[quote=Nevis] is necromancy/urgy an available/viable magic type? [/quote] Yes, but only to a certain degree. A mage could raise things like skeletons or even a ghoul if he/she had enough time to do so, but they would start falling apart after a day or two, and wouldn't have any sentience whatsoever. They could make choices and perform tasks, but only at the master's whim, not individually. [quote=masked_egg] I do want to know just how feathery they are though. Do they look like this or full-on tengu?[/quote] The Raevan are inbetween those two categories. Imagine a human with raven-black skin, feathers in places like under the eye, feathered hair, regular human facial features (no beak) and large feathered wings. Imagine something like this but with regular human hands and feet. [hider=picture][img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-k4UQSxC13_Q/TneXNSPhzpI/AAAAAAAAAY0/t57qguC5t98/s1600/pvgbetter.png][/hider]