[center][b]South East - Peter Táo[/b][/center] Scowling, the specialist retrieved his flashlight and bayonet before quickly mounting the objects along the lower assault rifle muzzle. The entire mission had devolved into a master cluster fuck and for whatever reason, something had managed to find its way to the Fourth Floor. Peter wasn't certain what fate awaited the others, but prayed to living hell that they wouldn't be cut off on two sides. Additionally, the eerie voices proved as a chilling reminder to what could potentially happen to Washington's residents if failure happened and as the mutants staggered their onto the ground floor, their presence only served to anger Peter as his thoughts rested on Kelsey and his daughter back in Bunker Washington. The grim situation was rife with potential mortality and if he didn't know better, he was certain some god forsaken entity wanted them dead ... or worse ... [i]eaten[/i]. There was also clear incompetence within Chicago Bunker's Upper Counciller Echelons and the only reason for why he and the others had even [i]entered[/i] this shit hole stemmed from the decisions of an as of yet unnamed, ADAM Counciller. Peter doubted less than a quarter of all ADAM Councillers even touched a weapon, let alone engaged in a single patrol. As always, the worst disasters always started with a Counciller and a compass; next came unqualified and untested officers, an over-estimation of ground forces, and the notion that everything on paper should have been taken for face value. If they survived this incident, questions would definitely hammer the existing administrators and high ranking, hierarchical governance officiaries within Bunker Chicago's Upper Echelons. For now, the present situation dictated a demand for competent enlisted and mid-echelon soldiers to perform above and beyond their required obligation. Washington Frontal Assaulters were good on at least fulfilling most of those promises, even if they fell in battle and as such, Peter's presence required utmost vigilance against an increasingly hostile environment. With a scowl, the Washington native tightly maintained a firm grip on the rifle handles as his New York companion outlined a balsy counter-measure to collapse the stairwell after they'd regrouped. Without another word, Peter swept the perimeter and unholstered his ADAM issued pistol before offered offer it, butt first towards the Captain. If they were going to last a little longer, fielding a Tom Cruise certainly proved a step up from wasting valuable military assets. "[i]Captain[/i]," Peter hissed, "He's right, we gotta move up to help Sergeant Morai. If we let those assholes get up those stairs, it's all over. Stay close to us, keep a good eye for anything and, and uhm ... I hope you're a good shot because we're all gonna need whatever covering fire we got!" Rising, Peter offered the Captain his pistol magazines before he quietly darted his way up and within close overlapping proximity of James' reach. His finger wrapped around the trigger as he prepared for engagement, however, as a veteran soldier, Peter maintained his fire discipline to locate or dispatch any additional targets or threats. Upon reaching a firing position, the Washington soldier fell into a crouched posture, squinted, and aimed down his sights towards the straddling mutants. "In position and ... I'm still spotting 5 tangos plus Franken-freak by the first floor entrance," the specialist hissed, "[i]Move, move, move![/i]"