Would anyone be interested in a Digimon RP of sorts? I kind of have a lot already planned out for you guys if you want. In Odaiba, the town in which the original Digidestined lived, Digimon are now commonplace. Teenagers throughout the city have formed Digimon Guilds for fun, for battle amongst each other and other guilds, and to grow closer to Digimon. There are three Digimon Guilds: The Vaccine Crusaders, the Virus Hackers, and the Data Collectors. With battles between guilds, battles against wild Digimon breaking into our world, and just recreational events with Digimon, Odaiba sure isn't boring. But looming in the distance is an evil tower, said to be run by an evil company, wanting to use their Digimon to destroy both the real world and the digital world forever. Interested?