[quote=Noxious] I think I would play Scael, but their interaction is entirely limited. What is their purpose? Do they hang out with other races? How? Do they just float around being peaceful? [/quote] Their interaction isn't limited at all. They still interact with other races in close to the same way other races interact with one another, although their society is mostly introverted, they are still capable of politics with other races. They have a purpose like any other sentient race. They just don't go around starting wars like other races do. Their blessing does not take their social skills from them, simply the will for aggression, and without a will for aggression it is usually best for them to stay out of the affairs of other races. As far as combat goes, they don't start wars, but can defend themselves when needed. They are still capable of fighting, and actually are quite good at doing so, but they can only fight when threatened or in immediate danger. When being the aggressor, they have to use their minds rather than their blows to work through situations. Even if this means coaxing their opponent into throwing the first punch so they can defend themselves. [quote=Skyswimsky] Interested!A general question regarding magic though, if you kill someone who has a (filled) glorin vas, is it possible to take their energy and fill your own? Do all sentient races have a glorin vas?[/quote] 1. Yes, if you kill somebody with a filled glorin vas, it is possible to siphon the energy from them, although it has to be done very soon after death (max 2 mins) and is very tricky to accomplish if you do not know the person. Because each person uses magic slightly different, in order to access the glorin vas of another person you would have to understand how they use magic. This also comes into play when mages come together to work bigger and more complicated spells. In order to connect your magic to somebody else's, you must understand which of their vas wein are enlarged and which are diluted. Collecting the magic of somebody who has very recently died can be extremely tricky if you did not know the person. Navigating through their vas wein to their glorin vas can be like navigating a maze, and to solve one in under 2 minutes is VERY difficult. Along with this is the quick intake of magic I mentioned when I was talking about the aetheric geysers. Because the vas wein can only intake magic so quickly, emptying another person's glorin vas that quickly can cause temporary damage to your own vas wein, making using magic for the next few hours more difficult. 2. Yes, glorin vas can be found in every sentient race, although not every individual has a glorin vas. This means that not every is capable of using magic, while others have such tiny glorin vas and vas wein that the amount of magic they can use wouldn't even be noticeable.