[center][img=http://i60.tinypic.com/2d1w75j.jpg] [i]There is no normal when it comes to family. It's unconditional -- a bond that is more than blood and biology or births and baby showers. While many are born into it, other's build bonds and break them in search of their forever families. But, it's the lucky ones that never have to search too hard for this, because their families are fighting for them too. [/i][/center] [b]The Families:[/b] [b]Mathers:[/b] Nothing comes before family with the Mathers clan. Both divorced from former spouses, the mother and father have truly found their soulmates in one another. However, due to medical issues, the wife has never been able to give her husband any kids, so they've turned to the foster system to construct their family. They are capable of loving anyone; however, they're careful about adopting just anyone as they never want to impair their current childrens' well-being. [b]Zocchi:[/b] Marcello Zocchi is a politician, married to an ambitious professional; while, they have children of their own, they've taken to fostering children as it looks good for the Zocchi’s campaign. As a whole, the family is incredibly disconnected, yet they've mastered the art of appearing as perfection in front of the camera. There are high expectations placed the children to be the best at something -- music, sports, academics; however, the love and support has never been there as a reward to that good work. [b]Borland:[/b] Tory Borland has a burden for taking in problemcases. She's a hardass with a no bullshit mentality; however, she truly has a heart for the kids she takes in, even if she hides it behind a vulgar mouth and hard exterior. The children living under her roof may have minor criminal records or severely messed up family lives -- many times seeing her place as only place left to go; however, no matter how broken they are when they come, the woman never allows that to be an excuse for them no actively practicapting in bettering themselves. [b]Rules:[/b] [list] [*]Balance the Statuses within families; just be conscious of all the families backstories, so that Mathers don’t have five birth children from previous marriage and no adopted children and such. [/*] [*]This is likely to be dialogue heavy, so I understand shorter posts. Just be sure to balance them every once, in a while. [/*] [*]Keep it PG-13; nothing they wouldn’t do on CW. [/*] [*]Follow all forum rules. [/*] [*]Be conscious of last names -- only adopted and birth children would have the family's last names. Children from previous marriages may have different names, if you want them too. [/*] [*] For appearance, here's a [url=http://rphelper.tumblr.com/fcdirectory]Directory[/url] for face claims. Many twenty year olds can pass for older teens. Feel free to use face claims that aren't on here, it's just a helpful tool.[/*] [*] No character limit -- just make sure just as much attention goes into each of your characters. [/*] [/list] [b]Character Sheet:[/b] Feel free to get creative with this; Name: Appearance: [url=http://rphelper.tumblr.com/fcdirectory]Directory[/url] Age: Family: Place random, if you don’t have a preference Status: Biological/Adopted/Fostered Personality/History: Other: Place career here, if they have one. Thoughts On Characters: “List at least three thoughts or quotes from your character about other characters in the roleplay, so that we can get some pre-developed relationships going.” [hider=Family Development Info] Because, the family section only gave basic info, here's some info you can feel free to use when you're making your character. I’ll likely be taking Tory Borland and Marcello Zocchi roles; however, if anyone would like them than feel free to let me know. All other adults roles are open, as well. [b]Mathers:[/b] [*]Potential for one, or both, of the spouses to have children from their previous marriage. It would’ve been nearly ten years ago, so keep that in mind when planning their age -- some birth children may have bad relationships with this step-family. [/*] [*]Will definitely have children that they’ve adopted, though they’re likely to be fostering other children, as well.[/*] [*]Parents would have careers that leave ample time for interaction with their children, possibly even have careers in education allowing them to work at their children’s school.[/*] [*] The Mathers mom is the sister of Marcello Zocchi and the aunt of the Zocchi children -- additionally, making The Mathers the cousins to the Zocchis.[/*] [b]Zocchi:[/b] [*]The parents are strict and ambitious, so this may or may not have transferred down to their birth kids; though, all birth children are likely to be talented at something of your choosing.[/*] [*]They would have never adopted any children, but they’re definitely fostering one-three during this election; feel free to get creative with these fosters childrens background -- maybe they have a compelling story or they’re just incredibly talented like the Zocchi children.[/*] [*] Marcello Zocchi is the brother of the Mathers Mom and the uncle of the Mathers children -- additionally, making The Zocchis the cousins to the Mathers.[/*] [b]Borland: [/b] [*]There’s likely to be a greater range of children in this household anything from juvenile delinquents trying to get their act together to runaways from violent homelifes to wards of the state which the foster system committed to Ms. Tory.Get as creative as you want, but stay in the bounds of being realistic.[/*] [*]Try to keep the crimes within reasons, maybe no murders and such; but, most others are probably free game. [/*] [*]Tee expects any child living under her roof to contribute to the household bank, so if you’re kiddo’s old enough to have a job, give it some thought. Or they can have other ways of making money...[/*] [*] Tory owns a diner in town, so several of the kids can work there. [/*] [/hider] [center] [b] Character Directory:[/b] Mathers: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/42580/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1283788] Alexander Mathers -- Biological Son[/url] [b]Zocchi:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/42580/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1280315] Marcello Enzo Zocchi -- Father[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/42580/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1278380] Nadia Zocchi -- Biological Daughter[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/42580/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1300401] Rose "Rosy" Magleaf -- Foster Child [/url] [/center]