[center][I] School Entrace - Stairway [/I][/center] [I]Fuckin Swamps[/I]. That single phrase rang throughout Lance's head as he gazed up at the school and the sky. How could such a beautiful place be surrounded by one of his least favorite environments of all time. Now, Lance was no explorer and did not know many places, but he knew for a fact that the mud, smells, and even the shape of the trees around his journey here were rather unpleasant to him. However, the view he got to see upon reaching his destination was more than worthy of the unpleasantness. He inhaled the fumes around him and was rather pleased with the new taste of the air around him. It tasted fresher and even could fit the description of 'more lively'. This place didn't disappoint, even breathing here had surpassed his expectations! Lance had gazed upon the building in front of him, it had a very surreal and almost romantic appearance. It was much prettier then any of the other colleges he would have been accepted to, without a doubt. He could only imagine what the inside would be like, and he was also quite excited to see his dorm. He knew he had been placed in the 'Onyx' dorm. Although it wasn't necessarily his favorite type of rock nor color, he couldn't help but be pleased with it, he loved the sound of it! A smile drove itself across his face as he continued to almost sing Onyx through his head repeatedly. Its sound reverberated through his head and heart as though it was a chorus sang by children during a Christmas festival. Alas, the Onyx train crashed when he suddenly remembered the masquerade! He didn't exactly know how an entrance ceremony like this was going to play out, but it certainly sounded fun! Although a tad bit cartoon-like, it was certainly more interesting than sitting down for a few hours listening to dying rags ramble on and on about honor and some 'trust code' that the students needed to follow when it came to brushing their teeth every morning, or getting yelled at about how they should dream of surpassing the 'Graduates of 77'. However, when it came to the wardrobe, a fear arose from the darkness of his mind and he wondered to himself. [I]'Are the Tuxedos free?'[/I] Chances are the school would pay for it, but he could still hear his wallet scream in fear. But If push came to shove, Lance had no honor. He would simply call home if it came to paying off the expense was too big of a burden for our hero to bear!