He was resting there, quite comfortably, when all upon a sudden his ears caught the telltale whoosh of some large flying creature, and he opened his eyes to behold none other than an angel, descending from on high at the apparent behest of its father, whoever that may be. "Huh." It posed its question and a bemused smile appeared on Arty's face while his eyebrows rose in consternation. He was about to reply when the sharp clinking of metal on metal caught his ears, and he looked past the winged one to the armored form that approached from beyond. This was beginning to look like a party. When the angel thing, which was now claiming not to be an angel, turned to face the newcomer, he also happened to put his back to Arty. Very convenient. He moved like lightning itself, using his ability to boost his speed and strength as he did so, and leaped out of the tree as the angelic being rose, straight toward its unaware back, taking into account the sideways drift of its flight as it tried to re-position itself to be able to see both Arty and the newcomer. Fast as he was, Arty would collide with the creature before his previous perch once again came into its view, which meant that unless it had some unnatural means of perceiving its surroundings, it would have no warning of the impending collision until it happened. He was intent on demonstrating just exactly why it isn't wise to turn your back on any opponent, even one that appears relaxed and not ready for combat. Should the collision happen, or should Arty get even a single finger in contact with any portion of the not-angel's person or garb, he would latch on with enough binding force to hold himself in place in the middle of a hurricane and attempt to drag the winged creature to the ground under the weight of its new passenger.