Mm, a showoff indeed. The young lad had engulfed himself in some energy quite foul indeed. (The irony here being that his own energy is foul in both the literal and metaphorical sense.)As the two made a beeline into the air, the Overlord sort of stood there on the ground. "Have you both already decided to run? You'll get nothing accomplished up there. You'll find rather quickly that I am fully capable of fighting you at a distance." That grey smog that envelops his body began to pump out of his blade faster and faster, wrapping itself around the sword and forming small blue crystalline shapes along the blade's edge. "Now, if you would politely come down here so I may slay the." There was little effort to his movement, he brought his body down and slid the tip of the sword across the earth. Causing a small rut to form along the trail it traced on the ground. "Because otherwise I will simply kill you from down here!" Shouting his command he dragged the blade in the opposite direction he swung it vertically towards the foes in the sky. Now, for a normal swordsman this would be a fruitless and silly endeavor. But this is the Nameless Undead Overlord. Those small blueish crystals that had formed along the edge of his blade fused together and fired upwards in a long and deadly sharp spear of soul mass. Aimed in the general direction of the younger warrior, however, if it missed the younger warrior the chances of it hitting the other one were reasonable as well. Hopefully he'd get the message across that he's not one to be toyed with at long range.