Settled in the part of town that was middle/lower class, [b]Mingle[/b] did not stand out very much. The building had once been a small school building in the 50s, but when Calvin Stephens inherited money from his parents and sister after their unfortunate demise, he decided to buy the building and convert it into what it was today. Most people who saw Mingle did not even know what it was. On the outside, it still looked like a plain, abandoned place. On the inside, walls had been knocked down, making a larger area for dancing, tables, a bar and a stage for live entertainment. The bar did not serve any alcohol. Oh no, not even the light stuff. Calvin, who was more commonly known as Richie Rich, believed in an environment where people could meet up, chat, make friends and possibly find someone they would end up sharing the rest of their lives with without the help of alcohol messing up their judgment. Yes, Richie Rich was a hopeless romantic. He wanted it to be a place where everyone, from every lifestyle could feel safe and come. He always found it very hard to meet people and find romance in a normal bar setting, especially with being gay. This is where the glow stick idea came in. Everyone who enters Mingle must wear at least one glow stick. Green, yellow, red or blue. It was supposed to make things easier, cut out some of the small chat and awkwardness. Of course it does not always work. Just because a girl is wearing a green glow stick, meaning she is single, does not mean she will be interested in someone who approaches her. But at least the person approaching will not be chased out by an angry boyfriend. --- When Ashley walked up to the door of Mingle, she smiled at the intimidating bouncer, Big Bob. A lot of people thought he looked scary because of his size, but she had always thought he looked more like a teddy bear. He was awkward with words, seemingly more so to the ladies, so he just smiled at her and waved her into the club, handing her two chosen glow sticks: Green and Blue. 'Guess, I'm a regular now,' Ashley thought with a small chuckle. She had only been to the hang out a couple times, but Big Bob had a very good memory. It was part of his job. She put on both of the glow sticks, looked around nervously and subconsciously started to tug on the hem of her pink mini dress. Ashley hugged her [url=;_ylt=AwrB8p5p9KxTi1gAcFKJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyNTk3Z3AyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM5NmVjZDhjMjFkOGM0ODYxMjU0OWE3YWQ5M2JlZmEyYQRncG9zAzEEaXQDYmluZw--?]Fluttershy[/url] purse to her chest and nibbled on her lower lip. "This time, I will talk to someone," She quietly vowed to herself. The last two times she had came, she set quietly at the bar, sipping on a strawberry smoothie. Despite the glow stick system, she still felt too shy to approach anyone. Anyways, people never took her seriously because of the way she looked. Too blonde, too much pink and too young looking. Though she had just turned 19, people usually assumed she was around 15. The first time she had tried to get into the hang out, Big Bob demanded that she show him a second form of ID, thinking the one she used to be fake. Luckily, she had her photo ID from college and her work ID. Not very many people were around and most of those were either employees or men. Ashley was not very interested in meeting a guy here. The whole reason she had came to Mingle was to be herself. At home she could not be herself because she was too chicken to come out of the closet. At Mingle, the blue glow stick did that for her. Not sure what to do, she headed for the bar, waving and smiling at the two familiar people working behind the counter. Windy and Saddie were both young. Saddie hardly talked, but Windy was a chatter box. "Hi, Strawberry smoothie please."