[hider=appearance][img]http://img4.duitang.com/uploads/item/201302/19/20130219143223_nh3xT.thumb.600_0.jpeg[/img][/hider] [b]NAME:[/b] Vani Ashton [b]AGE:[/b] 18 [b]GENDER:[/b] male [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Vani is a person who usually says whatever comes to his mind and doesn't really care about what other people think about him. He does enjoy to joke around with people he knows and he will protect his comrades if they are in danger. Vani enjoys the thrill that comes from killing someone and always loves it when he has to silence some witnesses. [b]MAGIC NAME:[/b] Phase Shift [b]MAGIC DESCRIPTION:[/b] Phase shift allows the user to make himself or things he is touching intangible. Tangible object can't touch intangible ones and vice versa, the only way to touch an intangible object is if the other object is also intangible. Vani is able to make himself intangible for 30 seconds straight, but has to wait 5 seconds before he can do it again. Non living items are easier to phase and he can make them intangible for about 1 minute and only has to wait 2 seconds before he is able to do it again. Other living things are quite hard to phase and Vani is only able to phase 1 other living being at the same time and only for about 10 seconds, the waiting time for phasing the same person again is about 1 minute. These rules apply per object and he can freely choose what he phases when. Vani uses his magic in conjunction with his wire daggers to make them phase through opponents and become tangible again while they are inside an opponents body. [b]ITEMS:[/b] 4 wire daggers (he is quite proficient in handling them) [b]OTHER:[/b]