[center][b]Forest pathway>>>Academy[/b][/center] [i]«The sky's a bit crowded, isn't it Mr. Beetle?»[/i] Nellia whispered as she stared intently at the night sky, full of stars and moons. In her closed hands, a beetle she had just caught was squirming uncomfortably, fear flooding its every cell. She found the train a bit too fast and a tad too busy for her taste although she did enjoy all the people around her, laughing and talking with each other as if they were friends of old and not men and women who met just minutes ago. Nellia strolled casually down the well-trodden path as she entertained herself by smelling the various plants and whispering words of comfort to her captive bug which was most certainly by this time, praying to whatever God beetles pray to. [i]«You know Mr. Beetle, this forest ain't empty. And I don't mean that it's full of birds and deers and your kin but full of... full of something else too. Forests are like that though, aren't they Mr. Beetle? Full of mystery?... You're awfully quiet. I don't like it. I don't like you. Perhaps you're hiding your true self. Perhaps deep down you are a very interesting beetle. I want to see, Mr. Beetle, I want to take just a tiny little look in your tiny little core.»[/i] The small beetle didn't feel much after that. Only its prison tightening around it to the point that its mangled body was covered in its very own intestines. Perhaps beetle-heaven was a thing and he would live an eternity in sheer bliss. Or not. [i]«Am sorry, Mr. Beetle. Turns out we were too different.»[/i] she whispered as she wiped her hands with some leaves and continued her walk through the forest until she reached the grand yet visibly aged entrance of the Academy. She stopp- [i]«Stop narrating! You've been doing that since I got on that damned train and it's driving me bonkers!»[/i] she suddenly started yelling, attracting lots of attention from a lot of people. Sudden outbursts like that weren't that rare for those who had spent time around Nellia yet only when she was particularly stressed or angry did she resort to expressions like ''bonkers''. [i]«You little gobshite! You stop this-- Oh look, there's a ball coming up that am supposed to attend!»[/i] With the attention span of a mosquito on ecstasy, Nellia finally remembered that she had been assigned to a dorm and that she would have to attend a ball later. In fact, she did wonder how could she forget such a thing. Without hesitation, she started running towards the stairs on the far side of the hall she was in despite the fact that she had absolutely no idea where ''Ivory'' was located. [center][b]Ivory[/b][/center] [i]«Finally. For a moment there, I thought the corridors forgot where they were supposed to lead.»[/i] she exclaimed, sweaty and and flushed from all the running. She entered the room and immediatelly fell in love with it and the part she would call her personal space. She felt it calling to her, the bed near the window, right next to the wall, a bit secluded and with the most beautiful [url=http://ep.yimg.com/ay/yhst-130817123929166/purple-venetian-butterfly-metal-half-mask-1.jpg]mask[/url] she had ever set eyes upon on it. She left her small, leather, patched up backpack on the bed and opened the closet, eager to see what would accompany that glorious mask. And she wasn't disappointed. Her [url=http://image.dhgate.com/albu_330589249_00-1.0x0/new-black-and-light-purple-tulle-sweetheart.jpg]dress[/url] would compliment her figure perfectly. It wasn't as colorful as she would have liked but perhaps a simple and modest debut was a good enough introduction. [i]«I'll probably look ravishing in that dress. I hate it when I do that, someone might have his heart broken...Oh well, it's not like hearts aren't supposed to break, if that was the case, we wouldn't have to be really careful when walking. Broken hearts are sharp.»[/i] She put the dress back in the closet and started playing with her bright red hair as she watched the world move outside her window. New beginnings scared her and this one more than usual and she would definitely wish on a shooting star that this adventure would be worth it.