The screams and curses were still ringing in Lucy's ears as she picked her way down the poorly lit street. "I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today," she said with a bitter laugh. She plopped down on a nearby bench to collect her wits, and hot angry tears pricked the corner of her eyes. She gave a frustrated sigh and wiped them away. She [i]hated[/i] crying. It was something she rarely did, and for good reason. It was a sign of weakness, in her mind. Tracing the tattoos that covered her arm, she closed her eyes and sagged against the bench. Behind her eyelids she saw her parents, red-faced and screaming once again about how much of a disgrace she was as her grandmother looked on helplessly. Then she saw her girlfriend, entangled and lip-locked with a pretty blonde boy. And then she saw herself sitting on this very bench, looking like a mighty sad sight. "No use feeling sorry for myself," she muttered. Turning out her pockets, she examined what she had on her. She had enough sense to grab her wallet and the cash her grandmother gave her before she ran out the door. However her phone and her keys were still sitting on her desk at home. "Gonna have to go back for those." She shook her head and raked a hand through her aquamarine hair. She got up again, intent on wandering the streets until she could think of a better place to go. A little while later she came across Mingle. She had heard about this place. A bar that wasn't actually a bar, more like a dating-website brought to life. She had never been inside before, because she never had reason to be. But tonight she found herself without a family or a girlfriend or any person to turn too. And, although she would never admit it, she hated to be alone. and although they did not serve alcohol, it was better than wandering the streets all night. She took a quick look at herself in the window of a nearby store. Black jeans that had more rips than fabric, white graphic tank-top, and black platform shoes. Not her best outfit, but it would do. Her make-up was still relatively intact. She shrugged and headed towards the bar. Walking up to the bouncer, she flashed her id without so much as looking at the bouncer. Grabbing a blue glow stick, she wrapped it around her wrist. After debating, she finally settled on a yellow glow stick as well. Heading for the bar, she ordered a chocolate shake and sat down facing the rest of the room. She took in her surroundings, noting that it had very few people, for a bar.