Shepard slightly grinned at Zeto´s sassiness. "Of course. Excuse my mistake. Next time I will refer to us as to fully trained doctor and... the first human spectre," she said with acted cockiness in her voice."I understand," she added, her voice a lot less humorous, when Zeto stood up "just don´t forget to rest a little. I want to have you fit for the mission" Shepard herself was tired as hell. Her eyelids felt heavy and she had hold herself no to fall asleep right on the chair, especially now, when she had to eat alone. A company usually kept her awake and loss of it drained Shepard of all her energy. Meal still gave her hard time to finish, but even so it didn´t take her even thirty minutes to finish it and get herself to the bunk where had she fallen asleep almost immediately. In the end, Shepard had slept quite less than she needed, but a lot more than she hoped for. It wasn´t really a sleep, more like a little bit longer black out, but she still felt little bit more relaxed. She told Joker to wake her up a hour before arrival to Knossos, so she had enough time to properly stretch and wash herself. Then she called her deployment team, Garrus and Zeto, to the bottom of the ship. There, she prepared her gear: old and reliable N7 armour, powerful shotgun and more compact pistol, just for case. Shepard was pretty surprised by Zeto´s choice of weapon, but it made sense she supposed. The sniper rifle was a precise tool, much like a medical scalpel. It was just fitting, that such thing belonged to the hands of someone surgically skilled. Also, the way she burned Garrus made her smile a bit. "We are going for an Asari archaeologist. She is a daughter of Saren´s right hand, matriarch Benezia. We hope she could answer us, why would such a prominent person of Asari politic go with Saren. I don´t expect much trouble on the way, but Saren was always one step ahead of us so far. Just be careful. Now if there aren´t any questions, we should go."