[center] [b] [u] Acacia Malikov [/u] Grand Hall [/b] [/center] Acacia remained standing in the corner to the far left of the door, pale eyes ghosted over those who entered the great construction. She couldn’t make out facial expressions though she could guess many would have wide eyes, gaping mouths and a speechless notation that the place seemed almost magical. She herself had her arms lightly behind her back, the invitation tucked under her arm on the right as she’d clasp her fingers together in uncertainty. The form beside her seemed anxious to settle, so many filed in one after the other or in groups. All wearing tuxedo’s and masks, she remained silent other than hushed words at the canine beside her. She’d stand out easily with him so close, but, that didn’t faze her in the slightest. Acacia released her hands as she kept the right behind her back, the left raising as she’d run fingers through the lightly scattered fringe over her mask. Shifting softly the movement of her feet allowed the gentle clacking of heels to emit from below her form. The long gown covering her heels as she’d lower her hand to then play with its crumbled base. Everyone seemed so eager to get inside and while she couldn’t deny she was an early bird to the large assembly. Blood red seemingly engulfed her form as she stood solitarily off to the side. She wasn’t the best at being social, but, she couldn’t help but admit it got lonely sometimes. With the canine so close and so seemingly on alert, she knew most would probably avoid and ignore the slender figure. It could have been noted that such a girl shouldn’t need such a companion by her side at a dance, maybe she was too scared to go alone, maybe she had problems that the dog needed to be around for, maybe just maybe she couldn’t leave the poor thing at the room alone. But, then the question as to why she brought him to such a place, that was for others to find out at a later date if at all it needed be known. Without focusing on Koshmarik to greatly, and too focused upon the crowd ahead, she hadn’t noticed he’d raised himself to his four feet. Leaning forward slightly his head was raised and ears erected. He was watching intently those entering the room, something caught his eye, something Acacia couldn’t spot herself, his chest rumbled the slightest and she snapped from her daze trying to see what was wrong. Spotting nothing she’d speak softly yet firmly “Koshmaric vniz, tam nichego net.” He silenced and lowered as he rested his head on extended front paws. Amber eyes merely watching what he thought he’d seen. Maybe he just didn’t trust some of the people, Acacia couldn’t tell 100%, but, she wanted to not stick out like a sore thumb.