I am a Trek Geek of the first order, I mean who else but a Total Geek Girl Trek Freak would have this already? [Hider=Saval] Name: Saval Goodspeed Rank: Ensign Position: Helm Age: 22 Race: Lasthope Hybrid (Human/Vulcan)) Appearance: [IMG]http://startrekparodies.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/vulcan.png[/IMG] Profile: Born on the accidental colony Lasthope Saval's early life was one filled with turmoil. Her parents died when she was 3 and a tidal wave killed* everyone living on the Island except Saval who was later found in a boat drifting on the currents; she'd been playing in it when the wave struck. Adopted by the Shran, Forester's* she grew up with 5 mixed siblings; 3 boys, 2 girls of Andorian/Human descent. Her Foster parents had no knowledge of how to raise a Vulcan child and had to trust that they were at least raising her with honor and moral values. At the age of 12 Saval began exhibiting the ability to read people around her's emotional states. It was quickly obvious that she possessed extra-normal mental traits was no surprise but her area of specialization was, she was an empath. Vulcans were known to be an emotional race who had to train to control their's less they be overwhelmed by their passions and devolve to the aggressive race they once were.. The council of Lasthope deliberated for nearly three weeks before finally making her move in with two of it's senior members Rak'van Tolth a Rigelain who's former duties were as chief medical officer of the Asimov and training in the treatment of mental disorders gave hope that he could teach her to cope with what she was.. Linda Wienmer who'd been an Ensign nurse who's training therapist would also help. While Rigelains might resemble Vulcans Rak'van was nothing close to Vulcan. Saval's luck was to be born on a world with a low population of only 975 people, this low pop and it's spread out condition allowed her to practice her control to a degree of ability that meant soon that the council was using her to mediate disputes when Saval was only fifteen. When Saval wasn't meditating or performing her duties for the council she was usually found amid a rapt audience as she spun tales of the mighty San Francisco and her crew a Federation Starship that she made up to entertain herself and friends When Saval was seventeen the starship Voltaire exploring on the edges of what was once Klingon space found their accidental colony. The Voltaire's Medical officer Sendat of Vulcan was shocked when he met Saval. Saval's behavior lead him to ascertain that she was mentaly unstable. It was at his urging four months after Lasthope's rediscovery that she was sent with all haste to Vulcan where her damage could be repaired and if not where she'd receive proper care. Saval though not happy with the council's decision when they agreed with Dr. Sendak went to Vulcan. While on Vulcan Saval was taken in briefly by her mother's clan but later released to the custody of the Science Academy because they judged her as too unstable emotionally to live in their household.. While being studied and cared for by the Academy Saval requested to fill her free time earning a degree in probability theory and quantum theory. It was while she was studying at the Academy that Saval found out that she had a cousin who taught law at Oxford. Corresponding with him they formed a plan of defense so Saval might prove she wasn't Vulcan or Human but her own Species. Her case went quickly when Saval called Lwaxana Troi a flamboyant and unrivaled mental expert to do a deep scan of her mind. Saval and Ambassador Troi knew the Vulcan council would debate her stability but as she'd been breed with no aid or medical help attacked along the lines of galactic evolution. Proving that Saval's physiology was so different from either race was easy once they were combined with Ambassador Troi's agreement that even her method of thought differed from both. Winning her case in Federation court Saval was now free to pursue a dream she once thought unreachable, she would attend Star Fleet Academy. :::::: Note: Saval's empathy is not a product of her own physiology but a symbiotic bacteria that thrives in her unique copper/iron based blood. Her rating is on a par with most councilors in star fleet but is limited in range to all but strong emotions. :::::::::: [Hider=DATA] Planet of Origin: Lasthope Weight: 65.77 Kilos Height: 1.88 Meters Hair: Black Eyes: Green Psionic Score: 182/350 (see notation) Parents: Deceased Father: Dr. Horatio, Albert, Justin Goodspeed, Terran Human Mother: Dr. Tean Letez, Vulcan Foster Parents: Alan Dean Forester, Terran Human Lissan Shran, Andorian Education: 3 years Vulcan Science Academy Branch: Command [/Hider] Oh and I own all the RPG books for Startrek LUG system I'M a Geek Girl, A Queen among Geek, A Goddess of Geeks and feel no Shame that all know this