[center] [img]http://i62.tinypic.com/2vrwxa0.jpg[/img] [b]Marcello Enzo Zocchi[/b] [i]Congressman | Fourty-Eight | Male[/i] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Marc is a perfectionist -- never one to give too much room for surprises. As a boy, he constructed his first life plan and has lived every second of existence thus after according to it and it's later renditions. He's mastered the political art of manipulating his emotions and words to the occasion; however, this seems to be more a part of his being and less a career tactic. While, his charismatic persona and award-winning smile always lend towards a good first impression; many of those closest to him know that his judgmental nature and critical voice are the defining traits of the man. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] Politics runs in the Zocchi bloodline, Marc being the second to be called Congressman Zocchi. He grew up with the media's attention on his every action and Marc often disappointed the tabloids as they could rarely rustle up even a relationship scandal on the young teen. His father saw Marc's potential and capitalized on it, sending his son to the best private schools in the area, even sending him away to boarding school when the local education system proved not enough for the Zocchi political heir. When the time came, Marc was ushered off to Yale where he made a name for himself, both as an undergraduate and later as a law student; but, moreso it was in those graduate years that he gained his largest contributor in his future campaigns -- his equally determined wife. Together they took their respected professions by storm, Marc gaining the political clout as an attorney that took others decades to build, ultimately claiming his first political position on the city council's seat just before they had their first child. The Zocchis became the model political family, their offspring proving just as talented and inspiring as their parents. However, as Marc continued to climb the political ladder, his political clout began to plateau, until Marc took a page from his sister's life plan. In his most current campaign, Marc is attempting to graduate from state politics and move into the national arena as a United States Senator. While the Zocchi name has always been a journalism gold, it's become a regular sight as the Congressman and his family welcomed foster children into their home several years ago -- the additions drawing just enough positive attention to aspiring politician to make for a promising prediction in the upcoming elections. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Brother to the Mathers Mom, Uncle to the Mathers children. Senior Partner at a prominent law firm; however, he only maintains the role for large cases. [u][b]Thoughts:[/b][/u] To Be Updated [/center]