As Varn followed the robotic Stel towards Sector 1861 and the planet Euphoi, he studied the other Green Lanterns. The only name he knew was Aurik, the green-eyed Lantern he had met earlier; Varn had never met the others. He hadn't ever met the veteran Green Lantern, either. Stel was an enigma to Varn. "Is he a robot? Do the Guardians give rings to robots?" he asked Aurik. "He's a super intelligent robotic lifeform from the planet Grenda, sector 3009. He replaced Kilowog as chief drill instructor a few weeks back, I heard..." Aurik replied en route to Euphoi. "Huh, that must have been when I was on Rann," Varn thought out loud. Meanwhile, Varn could hear two of the other Lanterns discussing whether the Guardians were sending them in as cannon fodder or not. They were both Ranniod, but the second one looked more like a wild animal. Varn wondered what the man did before joining the Corps. Soldier? Hunter? Killer? Wildling? "We would be fairly easy to replace. After all, it's an automated system," Varn added. "But I think the Guardians are good people. They wouldn't do anything to put us in undue danger." Euphoi was fast approaching the young Lanterns. The picturesque garden planet was a beautiful, luscious green color from orbit, but who knows what it would look like when they got planet side. Somewhere down there, Agent Orange and his constructs were consuming the planet for his selfish pleasure. Varn followed Stel as he changed vector, preparing for entry.