[center][b]Terra & Raven[/b] > Grand Hall <[/center] A tall figure in black emerged through a doorway and stood atop a middle balcony on an elegant double staircase overlooking the flooding of new students. Each entered into the Grand Hall wearing a uniquely elaborate disguise while Terra waited impatiently with arms folded tightly below her chest. All were fitted into specifically ordered pieces of art of the Headmistresses choosing. By their body language many seemed comfortable and pleased in the apparel and location--all except Terra. Her cold stare cast upon the crowd was made even fiercer by the diamond encrusted black [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=29xenap&s=8#.U64p4fldVv0]mask[/url] across her colorless face. Three gold chains looping below her smoldering eyes done up with carbon tint eye shadows—if looks could kill…they would all be dead. She did not intentionally loath the newcomers, in fact, her gaze was not focused on them any longer. Among shimmering ball gowns and custom fit tuxes a slender woman stood alone in the far back corner in a peculiar [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=11vilh1&s=8#.U64pBvldVv0]getup[/url]. Shiny ebony pheasant feathers coated the entirety of the floor length tiered dress. Arms were completely covered by long feathery sleeves as well. Essentially, the only bit of skin showing was her slim neck but even that was somewhat hidden beneath volumes of wavy platinum hair. Vast ultramarine eyes peered behind a [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ilbsxj&s=8#.U64pmvldVv0]mask[/url] resembling some sort of bird and the girl known as Raven continued to stare toward the balcony where Terra stood attentively. Terra, visibly tense, placed one hand at her side while the other gathered the long onyx train. After sweeping the [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=w2obj4&s=8#.U64qffldVv0]material[/url] aside so her diamond heels did not step upon it, she descended down the numerous steps until finally reaching the bottom where she halted. There were a few strange individuals strewn about the room wearing matching [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ixxuzr&s=8#.U64q_PldVv0]black[/url] and [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=105e8wm&s=8#.U64rG_ldVv0]white[/url] masks. How many of the other students observed this regard was unknown to her but these people blended into the crowd just the same. Their presence had distracted the restless Terra, and she lost sight of her target. Raven managed to intermix herself within the mass, not wishing to discuss serious matters at this point. Although no music played voices created a symphony of range loud enough to fill the Grand Hall. Not an ounce of food had yet been supplied either, and this ball rather resembled a cage housing trapped animals. Things would continue to stay this way for a while, giving time for interactions, friendships, or rivalries to slowly emerge. Raven found herself dreading socializing freshman year but that fear passed, and seemed petty compared to what was beginning this year.