[b] Daniel - Haywood - "The Day the War Began" [/b] ~Fifteen Minutes before Robert's Arrival~ Daniel looked out the window as everyone dispersed and went towards the designated building where everyone would hide. What would he do? What would happen if he died in this firefight? Emma would be- no, no, no. That wasn't going to happen. Presently, Daniel lowered himself to his knees and reached under his bed, feeling the heavy cardboard box. It wasn't very large, but the contents were important. He pulled the box out and pulled the interlocked flaps apart. He inspected what was inside; he took out the sharp, wood handled bowie knife that bore the engraving "Emma Jane Crowe" on the grip; a folded picture of him and his sister last summer on her birthday; and finally; a few things that would help them in the coming conflict. He picked up a round explosive grenade, "Baseball Grenades" as his friends in the service had called them. Next he drew from the box, two Flash Grenades..."White Wizards". He'd found the equipment in a SWAT van on the first scouting trip after the raid on Tyler's headquarters. The last thing in the box was a Taurus .22 Magnum with a single extra box of 30 rounds. He laid the gun on his bed and walked to his gun cabinet. The three guns laid where he'd left them; a .22 hunting rifle, an M16 assault rifle, and a Steyr AUG. A voice resounded behind Daniel. "...'I fear that all we have done is to wake a sleeping giant and fill him with terrible resolve." Eric's voice was clear as he spoke Daniel turned to face the man. "Admiral Isoroku Yamamato, of the Japanese Imperial Navy." "You can't guilt me now, Eric. I've made up my mind." He turned back to the cabinet, pulling out the AUG and handing it to Eric. ~Present(At the Gates)~ "Daniel! We've spotted Robert!" Amelia said from on top of the truck, she jumped down into the bed from the cab and squatted at the edge where Daniel stood. "About a hundred and twenty meters out- err- about 100 yards or so." "Alright, give the signal that we're ready." Daniel said. Amelia climbed to the ground and opened the driver's side door, holding down the horn for four seconds, the agreed warning that Robert was in sight. The guard went dead still as the trucks came closer. From where Eric stood, he aimed his assault rifle through a whole in the walls. Everyone jumped when a shot banged from Eric's gun. "Eric what happened?!" Daniel snapped. Eric didn't even look up, but just smirked. "Nothing happened, I missed." He said. Everyone tense to see if Robert would return fire.