Here's CS number one. I'll add a guy character in a bit Name: Nicole Beverly Nickname: Nikki Age: 21 [hider=Picture][img=][/hider] Bio: Nicole has always been shy around strangers. She hates it. She strongly envies the popular girls who can just start up a conversation with anyone they meet. Whenever she tries, she just gets tongue-tied! It doesn't help that her twin sister, Grace, is one of the aforementioned popular, chatty girls. In school Nicole is constantly reminded of how much cooler her sister is because cute guys (and I mean [i]cute[/i]!) are always getting them mixed up. As soon as they figure out they're flirting with the wrong sister, they back off like she's the plague. As a result, Nicole has never had a boyfriend. Even when they moved on to college (they went to the same place), the mix ups continued. Nicole was just giving in to the fact that she was doomed to be invisible to boys, when her friend and roommate Emily told her about Mingle. At first, she quickly forgot about it... until she met Andrew. He was a very handsome 22 year old that transferred into her math class, and like all the other men in her life, he has no idea that she exists. Nicole went back to her dorm depressed that she had no chance with him. When she got back, she saw that Emily was leaving. Upon asking, Emily told her that she was going to try out that bar, Mingle, and asked if Nicole wanted to join her. That was when Nicole realized that maybe Mingle could be her way of practicing her people-skills. Why did your character want to come to this bar?: Nicole came to the bar to work on becoming a more outgoing person and maybe... you know.. meet somebody... What color glow stick will they wear: After careful planning, Nicole decides to wear the Red glow stick. She is not actually in a relationship, but she doesn't want other guys flirting with her while she's trying to win over Andrew.