[Hider=CS1]Name: Jordan Takahito Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearence: [img=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/29800000/Anime-guy-vagos-club-29810419-329-352.jpg] (When he isn't in a long coat with a wide brimmed hat. May occasionally carry cigarettes, but they're rarely seen lit.) Personality: Jordan is a relatively quiet man. He's usually seen alone, if at all, and seems to not want to let people know where he is or what he's thinking. Who he considers trustworthy and why is strange to say the least- and while he rarely trusts others, those he does will earn a protection served with frightening decisiveness. Jordan tends to take things slowly, thinking out a situation before acting, although grossly unexpected elements aren't dealt with well. Bio: Not much is known about [Forgotten Rank] Takahito, save for the fact that he does not seem to want to hang around. No one's really sure why he stays, and he's often against some of the more drastic actions proposed by some others, He seems more inclined to, but equally disinterested in, the commanding and assignment of several new and existing members, to which he is rather strict and oddly cautious. Digimon CS Name: Shrewmon Gender: Male [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/032/a/d/gastomon_and_shrewmon_by_leviathandemon-d5tje6f.png](Thanks RBY.) Personality: An energetic Digimon who likes to keep things positive. Despite a somewhat childish outlook, he usually has a level head, thinking of others before himself. Techniques: Fury Fur- Unleashes a flurry of quill like hairs from his body, striking enemies with the hardness of stone Boxing Beat Down- A series of powerful punches and kicks Baby: Name: Togarimon Appearance: Similar to a Punnimon, Togarimon is a Yellow jelly like Digimon with four pseudo-horn protrusions on his head. Technique:Togari Burrow- Digs Rapidly to escape from foes. In-Training Name: Gastomon [Img=http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g141/tobiax/Gastomon.jpg] (Also see above.) Technique: Bubble Blow- Emits a stream of irritant bubbles. Weak materials are dissolved by acid. Champion Name: Denomon [img=http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g141/tobiax/Denomon.jpg] Technique: Eruption Sparker- Releases pyroclastic energy from the capsules on his bandoleers. Quake Stomp- A blow delivered from the feet with such force as to cause fissures in the ground. Ultimate Name: Nocturnomon [img=http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g141/tobiax/Nocternomon.jpg] Techniques: Shadow Ray Shot- Condenses shadow energy under the wings and fires them with the force of tactical nuclear missiles. Sleeping Eye- Eerie rays are emitted from Nocturnomon's eyes, causing any who meet his gaze to fall asleep Echo Scrambler- Emits a high frequency wave of sound which is particularly efficient at stunning or disorienting Insectoid Digimon Mega Name: Capidramon [img=http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g141/tobiax/Capidramon.jpg] Techniques: Rainforest Blaster- Emits a powerful beam of energy which is amplified by the surrounding area's plant life Vine Lash Attack- Summons powerful roots or vines to smash or detain the enemy. Mega 2 Name: War Capidramon [img=http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g141/tobiax/WarCapidramon.jpg] Techniques: Solar Flare Sword- Attack with a flaming sword Wolf Spirit Rage- Releases earth spirit wolves which rip enemies to shreds. Shield of Hope- Creates a barrier of light which deflects attacks and absorbs light, fire, and electric attacks which can perpetuate the shield or be fired.[/Hider] [Hider=CS2]Name: Suichi Takahito Age: 32 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=http://www.mosta2bal.com/vb/imgcache/3/25125wall.jpg] Personality: Someone who believes in structure, Suichi is a rather rounded individual. He's fairly intelligent, and was a star player on the football(soccer) team in high school. Upon discovering a Digimon of his own, he began training even before he was contacted by ATLUS to be at his peak, both physically and mentally, as well as being in touch with his rather unruly Digimon. Bio: The first born of the Takahito family, he lived for several years as an only child until his brother Jordan was born. In those days, his parents had him focus mostly on school work, while his younger brother would mostly play outside with a childhood friend. When he was thirteen, his brother wandered into the woods while he was playing soccer, and was missing for quite some time. As a result, Suichi became very worried, and thus became very protective of his younger siblings, even though Jordan returned safely a few hours later, saying something about bees. There was a dramatic shift four years later, when, much to his dismay, his brother vanished for several months, only to return in almost a state of shock- resulting in Jordan becoming very reserved and more academic while Suichi eventually became more athletically minded. Things have since more-or-less stabilized for them, and Suichi enjoyed a rather comfortable life for some time, until a man in a suit at a coffee shop noticed the device on his belt and didn't assume it was a pedometer. Digimon CS: Name: Liollmon Gender: Male Personality: Fierce and Territorial, Liollmon can be quite a handful. Despite being in possession of a Holy Ring, he is usually violent, and aggressive. Appearance: [img=http://wikimon.net/images/7/7f/Liollmon.jpg] Techniques: Critical Bite- Aims at the opponent's vital areas with his teeth with such power, that, when done correctly, (which it rarely is) it is able to instantly kill Champion Digimon. Lio Claw- Tears up the enemy with its sharp claws. Champion- Name: Liamon Appearance:[img=http://wikimon.net/File:Liamon.jpg] Techniques: Critical Strike- Attacks the foe with its claws in a vital spot. Thunder of Kings- Generates and discharges an electrical blast from its mane. Champion- Name: Boarmon Appearance:[img=http://wikimon.net/File:Boarmon.jpg] Techniques: Nose Blaster- Spews a wild flame from its nostrils Dangan Attack - Launches corrosive projections at bullet speed from its flaming mane, or, if the terrain allows, darts around rapidly and leaves traces of flame behind Note: Form achieved when Liollmon is enraged. Ultimate- Name: Loader Leomon Appearence: [Img=http://wikimon.net/File:Loaderliomon.jpg] Techniques: Boring Storm: Uses high speed rotations of the drill around his neck to attack. Loader Morningstar: Strikes with the spiked mace on his tail. Note: Loader Leomon seems to have a dual personality- one which is similar to Liollmon, and one which is more direct and calculating. Mega- Name: SaberLeomon Appearence: [img=http://wikimon.net/images/e/e2/Saberleomon.jpg] Techniques: Intinity Arrow- Hardens the hair on its mane to either tackle or fire it at the opponent. The hair is venomous, so this attack paralyzes the opponent. Nail Crusher- Slashes the enemy with such force that the effected area becomes smashed as well as sliced [/hider] [Hider=CS3]Name: Amy Takahito Age: 18 [Img=http://oi40.tinypic.com/j6nat1.jpg] Personality: While it's obvious she tries to be acceptable, she's a bit of an adrenaline junky, and often does things that are a bit extreme or dangerous, much to the dismay of her older brothers. Still, she's a positive, cheery person, but not the most perceptive of others. Bio: Amy was, for the most part, an average child- energetic and blissfully unaware of the concept of danger. In fact, with her first contact with a Digimon at age 5, her first instinct was to ride it- thinking it a dog at first. When it Digivolved to Ultimate, however, and began rampaging through an abandoned section of town, she simply clung to its back, giggling furiously. For the majority of the time afterwards, she lived mainly without exposure to Digimon, save for that same one, but as a Rookie, appearing sparingly. She was recruited by ATLAS several months ago, and has a position of "bridge bunny", as some of her higher-ups call it. Digimon CS Name: Armadillomon Gender: Male Personality: At this stage, his personality is rather neutral and inverted, unlike most Armadillomon, who are friendly and outgoing. While not necessarily tactical, he's not quick to rush in either. Appearance: [img=http://wikimon.net/images/a/a6/Armadimon2.jpg] Techniques: Rolling Stone- Rolls into a ball and spins into the foe. Scratch Beat- Scratches at the foe with his sharp claws. Rigid Block- Repels attacks by curling into a ball. Champion- Name: Togemogumon Personality: Togemogumon is more cold and precise than Armadillomon, but has much of the same traits. Appearance: [img=http://wikimon.net/images/a/a2/Togemogumon.jpg] Techniques: Hail Machinegun: Rapidly fires the ice crystals on its back from a single focal point. Crystal Guard: Creates a barrier of ice from the crystal on its back (Kai)- Creates a barrier of cold air, which bursts into a wave of ice when broken. Ultimate- Name: Skull Greymon Personality: A void, rampaging monster. It is sometimes brought to a state of stillness by Amy's presence. Appearance:[Img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/346/1/6/digimon__skullgreymon_by_juctoo-d34rbk4.jpg] Techniques: Gound Zero- Launches an organic missile from its back. (Kai)- A second missile is launched in swift succession, creating an electromagnetic wave. Cursed Breath- A fowl blast which corrodes and weakens the foe and may be poisonous to breathe in. Oblivion Bird- Climbing to a great height, SkullGreymon delivers a life risking attack by diving and using the momentum from the fall to skim the ground, and deliver a powerful strike. Ultimate- Name: Mammothmon Personality: Retains a similar distance as its previous forms, but is now full of wisdom due to its runed helm. Appearance: [img=http://wikimon.net/images/0/0d/Mammon.jpg] Techniques: Tusk Strike- An attack which impales the target with tusks Tundra Breath- A stream of freezing air is blasted from his trunk Nose Stomp- Smacks the enemy with his trunk Snowball- Creates a hardened lump of the terrain underfoot and hurls it at the enemy. It may also be used to bowl them over with his body Mega- Name: Skull Mammothmon Personality: Just as void as Skull Greymon, but less likely to attack allies in a rampage. Appearence: [img=http://wikimon.net/images/b/b7/Skullmammon.jpg] Techniques: Spiral Bone- Launches a vertebra like projectile from itself. Tosshin- A spectral dash which renders him intangible as it evades enemy attacks and damages foes. Grand Charge- Gathers all his energy and charges headlong at the enemy. Mega- Name: Sleipmon Personality: An amnesiac instance of the species. Amy is usually dominant in this stage. Appearence: [img=http://wikimon.net/images/c/ca/Sleipmon.jpg] Techniques: Bifröst- Fires blazing hot iridescent bolts from its crossbow Muspellsheimr. Odin's Breath- Creates a cold blizzard shower with the tower shield Niflheimr Tactic Smear- Bashes the enemy with the shield Niflheimr, or tramples them. Asgard Burst- Unites the shield Niflheimr with the crossbow Muspellheimr to deliver powerful shots with high precision and range of varying element. Jötnar Crash- Uses its tremendous speed to appear instantly above the enemy and deliver a powerful kick with his/her front hooves. [/Hider]