[indent][b]Elizabeth Berezi Sendoa [/b][/indent] The events that followed the foretelling of their new prophecy somehow didn't surprise Elizabeth. It was true that this was the first prophecy she'd heard since she arrived at camp, but her peers were anything but unpredictable. Including the warrior children that sat around her. A tall girl volunteered, like an idiot, and Elizabeth gave an involuntary sneer in her direction. Then, a boy fell into the flames of the fire. Elizabeth gave a gasp, watching the fire with widened eyes. When he finally stumbled out, two seconds feeling like two hours, almost everyone around her made a sound of relief. So, one God had already volunteered a child. Who was next? Just as the question crossed her mind a girl cried that the ground was talking to her. Elizabeth looked confused, Kate let out a laugh. Elizabeth was just about to scold her friend to not laugh at others, when it started to rain. The rain was warm, and if it weren't for the fact that they were enjoying a campfire Elizabeth would've enjoyed the falling water. Now she looked around, and realized the rain wasn't falling on anyone else. It was only raining around her. Elizabeth let out a bitter sigh, her wet hair fell in her face. Kate looked at her with a bursting grin. "[b]See, you're Daddy [i]does[/i] love you![/b]" Elizabeth sneered at her friend and walked toward Chiron, as soon as his gaze settled over her the rain stopped. The brunette glared at the sky where she hoped her Father, God of sea storms, might see. "[b]Demelza![/b]" Chiron called with a cheery smile on his face, as if he was glad that the Gods were being so quick with their selections for the quest. "[b]Come over here please.[/b]" While Chiron looked as happy as ever Elizabeth looked just the opposite. There was a frown on her face and her clothes were still dripping wet. [i]Stop pouting and dry yourself off.[/i] Elizabeth took her own advice and dropped her arms to either side of herself, willing all of the water to remove itself from her clothes, hair, and skin. There was a small puddle at her feet, and she gingerly stepped out of it when the process was finished. A few campers gave her an odd look, but she was the daughter of Poseidon. During her time at camp she had refrained from using her more powerful hydrokinesis powers. Elizabeth told herself that she did this because she didn't want to embarrass herself, but she really didn't want to frighten the other campers. Honestly, Elizabeth had no idea to what extent her powers reached. She didn't know if she wanted to find out either. ----- [indent][b]Michael Alexander Malleum[/b][/indent] While Michael sat on the log, intently watching the scene unfold around him, someone had tapped his shoulder and handed him a bottle of water. A necessity? No, he hadn't been that phased by the fire; the shock of the whole pushing act was worse than the fire. He had taken the water anyway, giving a grateful look to the child of Apollo that had been worried for his health. Michael sipped on the water as he watched a girl from the group of Athena's children speak of the ground talking to her. Some looked at her as if she were insane, but Michael knew to think better of what their Godly parents did to them during. their time at camp. So, two demigods had already been chosen for the quest, now there were only two missing people. As he contemplated who the Godly parents of the next two demigods would be a flicker of lightning caught his eye. Surely there couldn't be a storm. Especially this time of year. When he found the source of the lightning he understand immediately. A dark grey cloud had formed a few feet above the head of the camp's only child of Poseidon. Michael expected her to look shocked, ecstatic maybe, but she only looked... a bit grumpy. She scowled at the sky as soon as the rain stopped. Michael didn't know anything about this girl, he didn't even know her name. She looked young, fifteen maybe, Her height made her seem younger than she probably was. One thing he did know was that she knew how to give an icy glare. Michael didn't know if he was comfortable with the fact that they would be departing on a quest together. Who knows how long the quest would take? When Michael thought that he was finally done observing the girl she did something that surprised him. She dried off. It sounded funny in his head, but something about the way she had willed all of the water to come off of her in less than ten seconds was interesting. Perhaps, if she didn't bite his head off for daring to talk to her, later he could talk to her about the extent of her powers. How much could she do? As a craftsman almost anything sparked his curiosity. It wasn't hard to get Michael to start asking questions. His attention returned to Chiron, who called over the child of Athena that said the ground spoke to her. Demelza was her name then. Yet another person he didn't know at camp. What a surprise. Who was the fourth person? So far they had an odd combination of demigods. Poseidon and Athena didn't get along too well, Hephaestus got along well enough with most of the Gods. He continued watching, not saying anything mainly because there was nothing for him to say.