Lucy watched as more people began filing into the room. She had no idea this place was actually this popular. She took a sip from her shake and looked at all the people. She started with the bar. There were quite a few people here. There was a girl who looked not much older than 15 or 16, though Lucy quickly looked away from this girl. She was just so...[i]pink[/i]. She was dainty, with blonde hair, pink clothes, and some sort of stuffed animal. She shuddered, thinking of how proud her parents would have been if she had turned out like this girl. The girl looked scared to be there, very awkward indeed. Lucy noticed how she kept trying to hide her bracelets, the blue one in particular. She looked down at her own blue bracelet and shrugged. Next to the girl was another blue bracelet wearer, also a girl. She looked like she was dying to be rid of this place. Clutching a book, trying very hard not to be noticed. She felt sorry for this girl, being dragged around by her friend the whole time. Liza also saw a pretty looking boy sipping a lemonade and a girl with a coffee. She took another sip of her shake and wondered, [i]Is this it? This is where I'm spending my eighteenth birthday then?[/i] She rolled her eyes. At least it was better than being at home... Once she had finished her shake, she ordered another. She was terribly bored, but didn't want to leave. Beyond those doors lay the jumbled knot of reality she still had to untie. She just wished she had her phone, or [i]something[/i], to keep her from looking like the loser loner at the bar. She supposed she could go up and talk to someone. But really, what could she say? She didn't look like she had much in common with most of these people. She smiled as the girl in pink finally got up the nerve to talk to someone. She had to try very hard not to laugh when the girl asked about the shake. And very nearly did, when she followed it up with an apology. To Lucy, the girl seemed like a lost little puppy, shaking and scared. But hey, at least she was trying. [i]Good for you[/i], Lucy thought.