[hider=Heralds CS] Name: Herald of the Sovereigns (Most people call him either "Herald" or "This Asshole") Age: ???? (Old, although, if you ask him, the story changes each time, sometimes he'll say he was born in the 1600's, serving as adviser to Henry VIII of England, other times he'll say he is was there at the storming of the Bastille) Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140628193725/digimonfanon/images/e/ec/Herald_2.png[/img] Personality: He knows where his loyalties lie, and refuses to answer to anyone he doesn't deem a superior. He's kind of a jerk, highly unlikable, but much like a Lawyer, he's just doing his job... It's not his fault if he enjoys it... Bio: Unknown... Seriously, this man is a code, wrapped in an enigma, peppered with mystery and deep fried in a paranoid conspiracy, only the Sovereigns and some of the Ancients know exactly who he is and what role he serves. This isn't helped by the fact that he is constantly changing his accent. He uses a Boken made from the bark of Ebonwumon's tree. What he is isn't any easier to decipher, his genetic structure is a combination of organic and digital DNA. Physically, he surpases most humans, able to go toe to toe with even an Ultimate-level Digimon. He has multiple Digimon Servants under his command, but only Flamedramon follows him constantly. Digimon CS: Name: Flamedramon Gender: Male personality: Silent for the most part, he'll pipe up every so often to issue a threat and deal a snarky comment, but for the most part, simply works as Heralds assistant and bodyguard. appearance and abilities: [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140628192143/digimonfanon/images/6/63/Flamedramon.jpg[/img] Fire Rocket (Flame Fist): Shoots fireballs from its fist.[4] Flame Shot: Surrounds itself in an aura of fire and then shoots itself towards its opponent like a rocket. Flame Shield: Attacks while surrounded by an aura of fire. Other subordinates: Due to him being the right hand of the Sovereigns, he has been granted several thralls to help him in his missions for them, including, but not limited to: [url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140312051221/digimon/images/c/c3/Ninjamon_b.jpg]Ninjamon[/url]: Who serve as his intelligence gatherers and couriers... For some reason, they only speak Korean... It's unknown exactly how many of them serve him, but if there is more than 1 of them, then they all suffer from the same speech impediment. [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130906014856/digimon/images/9/94/Locomon_b.jpg]Locomon[/url]: Who serves as his main method of travelling between the Human and Digital worlds. Speaks with a strong scottish accent, calling everyone "Laddie" [url=][/url][/hider] [hider=Denmons CS]Human CS: Name: Dennis Cooper (calls himself Denmon) Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG]http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/674-251236514.png[/IMG] His mask [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/121/7/9/princess_mononoke_s_mask_by_puddingshades-d63riwr.jpg[/img] Personality: a primal creature that cares deeply for all Digimon. Denmon fights with the strength of a Rookie-level Digimon. Bio: Dennis was born in the Human world, his house had a small Digital gate in the back garden, hidden in a bush. when Dennis was 2, a Wormmon stumbled through the gate and ate the flowers in the garden before being chased back into the bush, Dennis watched and as soon as his mother had left, he went in the bush looking for the Wormmon, he stumbled through the Digital gate and hit his head on a rock on the other side, losing his memory. the Wormmon found him and they became partners, working together to survive, when Dennis asked Wormmon what his name was, Wormmon told him that he had heard the word Den so his name must be Denmon. he carries a make-shift spear fashioned out of a sharp rock on a stick. Digimon CS: Name: Wormmon Gender: Male personality: shy but loyal to Dennis to the end, even if he knows that Dennis is wrong. appearance and abilities: [IMG]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090130133616/digimon/images/c/c5/Wormmon_b.jpg[/IMG] Sticky Net Silk Thread other forms: Baby: Leafmon [IMG]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090127172812/digimon/images/4/42/Leafmon_b.jpg[/IMG] Acidic Bubbles In Training: Minomon [IMG]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090128044553/digimon/images/f/f7/Minomon_b.jpg[/IMG] Pinecone Worm Barrier Champion: Stingmon [IMG]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090205060245/digimon/images/e/ea/Stingmon_b.jpg[/IMG] Spiking Strike Evil Antenna Moon Shooter Ultimate: DinoBeemon [IMG]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100423185519/digimon/images/e/ee/Dinobeemon_b.jpg[/IMG] Masquerade (Hell Masquerade): Performs the "Dance of Hell" in which its nimble movements leave behind afterimages while it cleaves apart the opponent. Irritant Buzz Ultimate: Paildramon [IMG]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110512213761/digimon/images/d/d4/Paildramon_b.jpg[/IMG] Desperado Blaster: Fires energy bullets from the two cannons weapon on its hips, like a machine-gun. Sting Strike (Esgrima, Esp: "Fencing"): Extends the spikes on its wrists into lances, then strikes at the opponent. Electric Bolt (Elemental Bolt): Fires an bolt of electricity from its hands. Cable Catcher: Fires off its claws on wires and binds or stabs the opponent with them. Mega: BlackImperialdramon [IMG]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/110/b/7/blackimperialdramon_dm_and_fm_by_connordragon-d55eiaf.png[/IMG] Positron Laser: Fires a huge blast of positron energy from the same-name cannon now on his right arm, causing a major disaster. It only functions as a "normal" hyperlaser cannon in the Real World, however. Splendor Blade: Imperialdramon slashes at his enemies with blades of energy made within the "spikes" on his arm armor. Giga Crusher (Giga Death): Transforms the Positron Laser on his arm into a bigger form held by both arms which fires a powerful blast of dark matter on his enemy.[/hider]