[quote=RBYDark] Dude, in Savers, his language is perfect. And you literally used his picture for your character. [/quote] I know, that's because for wildman child, there is little in the way of choice, picture-wise, it was either Keenan or [url=http://www.guidepost.es/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/tarzan.jpg]Tarzan[/url]. Who, although adorable, only wears a Loincloth... One of my rules, I never put up a picture of a character in only a Loincloth... I suppose I could go for Child Goku... Look, I'm not particularly gung-ho on using that pic. But if anyone has a good picture of that sort of "Wildman" like child, who is not only adorable, but is NOT in a loincloth, then please point me to it and i'll use it. [quote=Fish of Oblivion] I think it's less a problem of 'when will he turn up' and more 'when he turns up a large portion of the cast including a handful of Sovereign-level Digimon are going to kneejerk to murdering him out of PTSD or sheer rage'. I mean, it's like Toei made another season of Adventure and had one of the main characters have a Myotismon partner. Same ballpark, anyway.At the very least could you give a decent explanation for Imperialdramon? This whole thing is kind of weird so far. Even just going for BlackImperialdramon would make sense of things a bit more. [/quote] I see it more like when Lordgenome came back as an ally in TTGL season 2. And anyway, I'll be perfectly honest, I've been sitting on this CS for a while, according to my computer, I made it back in May 2012, I remember completing it when I first saved it and just adding to it later. Hell, it says that the last time I editted it was August 23rd 2012. I do remember that I had a good plot for why he becomes Imperialdramon. But what that reason could be I have no earthly idea. I remember some points of the plot, but not the whole of it. So, I am gonna go away and try to remember and I'll update you all when I remember. But, it's not exactly important right now, since I definitely remember that Imperialdramon wasn't to appear until nearly Endgame, with maybe a small appearance before then... EDIT: I actually remember 1 of the plot points, which I did actually discuss with everyone back on the old site. Specifically that Beelzemons Omnisword was built by him but its true purpose was to be used when the Demon Lords came, by this new Imperialdramon. We did talk about it. But again, I cannot remember the rest of it.