Might also want to mention you have a Co-GM Jangel. That would be...uh, me. --- [hider=Human Form][center][img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdb2x9rOMU1r9q3nao1_1280.png][/center][/hider] [hider=Kyonshī][center][img=http://i.imgur.com/Yp1Xu.png][/center][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Kenji Nagato [b]Age:[/b] 280. Debatable if that's his real age. Most likely not. [b]Personality:[/b] Kind of a mystery to figure out, Kenji is one that tends to take things slow and easy. Sure, conquest is wonderful and all that, but where's the joy in it if you don't take a break once in a while? Besides, it's not like there's a real big threat out there in the world, right? Kenji appears lazy and slackish in his work ethic to others, and generally disapproves of solving issues through unneeded violence. As such, he's become known as a pacifist, despite the fact that he is one of the more powerful components to the Tsubasa Clan's quest for domination. Even so, he takes his job as the Strike Force Leader and training new recruits seriously. Can often be found muttering to himself when in private though. Rumor has it that his demonic form is only shown to those of great power and status. Whether this is because of its strength or because of its frightening appearance has yet to be seen. [b]History:[/b] The only thing really known for certain about Kenji's enigmatic past is that he was a close associate and ally to the Tsubasa Clan for quite some time. Stories speak of him traveling the world in search of something before finally befriending Lorenzo Kuroi Tsubasa and finally joining the Clan's conquest efforts fully. As such, he eventually made his way to the high ranks within the clan and settled for Strike Force Leader. Considering Lorenzo as a close friend, he often spends his days breaking in new recruits as well as carrying on day-to-day jobs and missions for the Clan. [b]Weapons:[/b] Two pairs of butterfly knives each attached to chains. His fedora can also turn into a massive buzz-saw that he is able to wield one-handed. Finally, he can summon forward a multitude of buzz saws and knives each attached to chains from within his longcoat. [b]Abilities:[/b] Can manipulate the electrons in the air to generate electricity to frightening degrees. Is said to have one other power but refuses to use it as he deems it "much too flashy for ordinary combat and really a waste of my breath for explanation." Exact words of course. [b]Fear Abilities:[/b] [i]What do you think this is, a TEA PARTY!?!:[/i] On the rare chance that someone can actually get the better hand of Kenji, his entire demeanor will change drastically. He'll become more vulgar and vicious in both personality and combat, and a massive sense of bloodlust and murderous intention will cover his enemy's senses. Only those of strong heart and will can overcome this sudden change of energy, and it can even drive humans mad when utilized. [i]Don't you go thinking you can screw with me now....:[/i] Kenji can also change the pressure of his presence to better suit the situation. Often he'll play up the comedic and snarky role to its fullest. But at certain times, he can willingly inspire fear and helplessness in others by exuding a creepier aura. Victims of this fear ability have described the sensation as "much like having one's heart ripped out and then discarding the body into a dark abyss where you can never reach the bottom. Alone." [b]Reason for Joining:[/b] "To serve the almighty and righteous Tsubasa Clan without fault or worry! Cause what else am I supposed to do with my time? Also cause Lorenzo is here." [b]Other:[/b] As mentioned before, he has a bad habit of voicing his own thoughts aloud when in private. Also has a strange addiction to salty foods. For some as of yet unexplained reasoning, he loathes cats and priests. Kenji also suffers from heterochromia; his left eye is green while his right eye is yellow.