asmodeus is my idea of the leader, asmodeus being one of the strongest of the princes of hell. Seem cool to you guys? My idea was that after kenichi and nijima left, members of ragnarok grouped together to cream the what was left of a growing shinpaku alliance and formed a new group known as the naraka, naraka being hindu hell and all. Basically they began to slowly form another unstoppable force, but After the original members of shinpaku came back to show them how to use there skills better and pointed them to how to use there powerful skills. Our characters are those who were bullied by the lower ranks until we ended up fighting on of them, getting into serious trouble with naraka. One of us ends up being picked up by a gym (were we learn from our masters) and when we watch that character's next match we join him too. any objections, I am willing to change literately anything. asmodeus is a master of sand burn karate. Any touch from his hand can burn the skin, so being grabbed gets you serious damage, and adding in the karate style he almost mastered, and additional techniques he is one bad mother dude.