[quote=Lillium]This seems like it has the potential to be an amazing RP. I'm definitely interested. Is this still open? If not, I'll just shed a few tears and continue to stalk in a completely non-creepy manner. For the most part.[/quote] Like Cryptiic said, Can't hurt to apply. I was thinking that there should be a limit, I did have one but life happens & people sometimes need to drop, so... send one it! if you miss the beginning we can always find some way to get you in, like your character lives extremely far away or something. [quote=Tyrant from the West]haHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.Man I wish i could create an rp this many people would be interested in.[/quote] I am extremely surprised by the number that was interested myself. ^^